The Monogram Database at iModeler

649 articles
  • Items tagged with Monogram
  • 649 articles
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  • Last addition 1 year, 9 months ago

Monogram model kits

Did someone say "vintage"?

Here are a few of mine. I like building the older kits, partly for nostalgic reasons and partly because I don't like having to build a landing gear strut out of ten plastic parts and two pieces of photo etch! Lindbergh 1/48 XFY-1 Pogo in [...]

Vintage Models

Monogram F-102A in California ANG scheme. Encore kit of the vintage kit. Monogram P-51D in IDF Suez War markings Monogram B-24J Monogram B-25J - "Betty's Dream" Monogram F-80C Monogram Kingfisher (with a lot of resin aftermarket [...]

1/72 Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat

This is my first completed build since 2021 - a small one, to be sure, but a completed build nonetheless. I have been wanting to learn more about the Bearcat for some time - all I knew about it was that the Bearcats on the old Revell [...]

Revell (Monogram) 1/48 B-17G

The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-engined heavy bomber developed in the 1930s for the USAAC. Competing against Douglas and Martin for a contract to build 200 bombers, the Boeing entry, in the form of the prototype Model 299/XB-17, [...]

Republic P-47D “Luckys’ Lady”

This is a Monogram 1/48 P-47D . The box is dated 1967 and was still shrink wrapped. It’s from the collection of a modeler, Mr Claude Good, that passed away about 1 year ago at age 86. It is my interpretation of Captain Frank [...]

1/48th Monogram/Hasegawa F4U-5 Corsair

From time to time, when a picture grabs my attention, I often consider attempting to model it. This was the case with the F4U-5 that I wanted to replicate. The Monogram version of the Hasegawa F4U-5 kit was good to work with for the most [...]

1/48 F9F-5P PantherKorean War Group Build.

This is the 1990s Monogram kit which was apparently modified from the original -5 fighter molds. Both kits are excellent models. In fact, the Monogram Panther is one of my all time favorite kits. Definitely in the top five. I decided [...]

Monogram Hawker Typhoon.

After many trips from the workbench to the shelf and from the shelf to the workbench, I am calling this little side project finished. The classic Monogram Hawker Typhoon. Total re-scribe of the kit including certain access panels that [...]

Rivet City (Monogram) HU-16B

One to add to my archive. I made this one some years ago. Festooned with rivets, I did my best to get a good fit between parts so I could avoid sanding them away. Tamiya spray can silver and Testors paints finished the job.

Grumman SA-16A Albatross 1/72

I have always made some effort to build Brazilian theme models, so I have several items in my collection. They usually are hard to build due most of the kits have some differences in comparison to the real thing operated in Brazil, so [...]