5 articles
I have many hobbies, (probably too many) one of which is pinstriping and painting WW2 style nose art. Over the years, I've painted pin-ups on several flight jackets, hot rods, and numerous metal panel wall hangings for people.
The first [...]
We're in the final push of the Nose Art group Build. Deadline is March 31, 2019, but no need to feel rushed, entries will continue to be accepted past that date. Hope everyone is having fun with their builds and I'm really looking [...]
Just a friendly reminder that the Nose Art Group Build is still ongoing. The deadline is January 31, 2019, but if anyone still wants to participate and needs additional time, please let me know and I can extend the deadline. I know there [...]
In 1989, I was an instructor pilot flying the T-37 trainer at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Although I had a previous assignment in Oklahoma teaching basic students to fly in the T-37, this tour was different because we [...]
Just a friendly reminder that the Nose Art Group Build is in progress and open for new entries. As of this posting, there are 29 members in the group, with 9 builds in progress and two completed. There are some colorful and interesting [...]