The Opel Database at iModeler

5 articles
  • Items tagged with Opel
  • 5 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 5 years, 9 months ago

Opel Blitz 1/35 German 3-ton 4X2 Cargo Truck, Tamiya

Model modeled on the archival photo. dodel with verlinden additions, MIG tarpaulin

Opel Blitz, Tamiya 1/48

Being a recent re-starter in the hobby my main focus at the moment is Bf109's, but to add some interest to the planes I have started adding 1/48 vehicles to my stash. I do have some aftermarket items to make more detailed versions at a [...]

Final reveal: The German Air Ministry in 1941 in 1:35

Some of you have followed on this project, depicting buzzing activity at the German Air Ministry in 1941: (link) This was a longer project, initiated in the beginning of this year. It involved mapping the scratch-built facade of the [...]

From model to diorama: A day’s work at the German air ministry 1941

Some of you noticed the build report and first reveal of the German air ministry already. (link) Because a model is a model and a diorama something different, I opted for adding vehicles and figures in order to bring the building to [...]

Italeri Kfz. 305 Opel Blitz in 1:35 (#216) Afrika Korps

This is my entry to the “Battle of Kasserine Pass/Tunisia Campaign” group build (ft. David A. Thomas), I reported during the build there, see (link) Some history: The Opel Blitz was one of the main workhorses of the German army in [...]