The Paulus Miniatures Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with Paulus Miniatures
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 8 months ago

Dom Afonso Henriques, Portugal's first King (#4/4)

When the Portuguese brand 'Paulus Miniatures' invited me last jan2023 to paint their recent released figures of our first King, Dom Afonso Henriques, I went straight for it with a big smile. This one, the fourth of four, now in 54mm is a [...]

Dom Afonso Henriques, Portugal's first King (#3/4)

When the Portuguese brand 'Paulus Miniatures' invited me last jan2023 to paint their recent released figures of our first King, Dom Afonso Henriques, I went straight for it with a big smile. This one, the third of four, now in 54mm is a [...]

Dom Afonso Henriques, Portugal's first King (#2/4)

When the Portuguese brand 'Paulus Miniatures' invited me last jan2023 to paint their recent released figures of our first King, Dom Afonso Henriques, I went straight for it with a big smile. This one, the second of four, is a 75mm resin [...]

Dom Afonso Henriques, Portugal's first King (#1/4)

When the Portuguese brand 'Paulus Miniatures' invited me last jan2023 to paint their recent released figures of our first King, Dom Afonso Henriques, I went straight for it with a big smile. This one, the first of four, is a 75mm resin [...]