The Resin Database at iModeler

35 articles
  • Items tagged with Resin
  • 35 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 5 years, 4 months ago

Ostmodels Char 2C Super-Heavy Tank

This is the French Char 2C Super-Heavy Tank, available as a resin kit in 1/72 scale from Ostmodels. The main hull is cast as one large piece which is a very good thing. The model builds up quickly and is a good representation of the [...]

Sukhoi Su-15 Flagon, Anigrand 1/144

Anigrands Sukhoi Su-15 Flagon in 1/144 is a bonus kit in one of their earliest offerings, the M-50 Bounder. The Flagon is another cold-war fighter aircraft which is ignored by the mainstream model kit manufacturers. I finished the Su-15 [...]

Weathering, the Belgian Leopard Conversion Continues

Well, I'm now getting on to my favourite stage of the build, the weathering! There are still details to add, such as the tubular "thingies" that go on the bottom of the side skirts (can someone please tell me what they are and/or [...]

Lavochkin La-250 Anakonda, Anigrand 1/144

The Lavochkin La-250 Anakonda is one of three bonus kits in Anigrand‘s offering of the M-50 Bounder in 1/144, a short-run resin kit from Hongkong. This is an older project that I completed allmost 10 years ago. In fact, it was the first [...]

Yakovlev Yak-36 Freehand, Anigrand 1/144

The Yakovlev Yak-36 is one of three bonus kits in Anigrand‘s offering of the Ekranoplan Lun in 1/144. It is a short-run resin kit from Hongkong. I reworked the landing gear, scratch-built the thrust deflector between the front and rear [...]