Revell model kits
1198 articles
This depicts an early F-102A as delivered to one of the first operational squadrons to receive them, the 327th FIS. It had the original shorter tail fin, and unmodified intake ramps and speed brakes. I added a pitot tube to the nose added [...]
ARII kit + FM Details Set (the full cockpit is made of resin + photo etched parts).
Not an easy build but happy with the final result.
Made a wooden base with an illustration of the denomination "Shoki the Demon Killer" Zong Kui [...]
Another one of my older projects to archive, here’s my 1/72 Revell AG Hawker Hunter Mk. 58. I think I made this one between 2008 and 2010. I do remember the outer wing leading edge extensions were molded with the upper wing half and [...]
Continuing on with the Atlantis/Revell Allison Turbo Prop, aka T56 engine. Here is the compressor section just about wrapped up. Still have the door assembly to do.
In addition to the "Korea the Forgotten War" group build that will last during the exact time frame as the war did, (only 70 years later), here's another one I was thinking about.
This Group Build would be called "Wings of [...]
Here is my build of the 1953 Corvette (Revell 07067). I built this a couple years ago. I have a new photo setup, so I am revisiting and posting some of my older projects.
Quite different from later Corvettes, the ’53 used a modified [...]
Hello, beecause here in europe we have a winter and for motobikers it is saddest part of the year I must to finish an open project, my own motobike. I found this kit in ebay, it was pretty hard to find it because it is old and rare kit. [...]
The first for the new year, 2020, is this Revell of Germany, Ilyushin Il-2, Stormovik.
Actually this is a repop of the Accurate Minatures kit, and is STILL a very nice kit, albeit a wee bit fiddley overall.
The kit itself builds well, and [...]
Fifty to 70 years ago we use to call this kind of bird a "Double-Winger." Sometime later the name was change to "Bi-Wing" or something like that.
Anyways the kit was a snap to build. "Snap" in American English [...]
A real treat it was to find this model for sale at my hobby shop. I forgot what it cost, but I did not care as I wanted it. None of the parts had hardly any flashing and the instructions were very easy to follow.
One photo show's the [...]