The Revell Database at iModeler

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Revell model kits

Update No. 4- Ju 87G-1

Yes, this is a two in one update day. I have gotten pretty far with the painting. I'm really happy with it.

Update No. 3- Ju 87G-1 Stuka

I think this is the third update? Anyway, I am part of this group called "The Group Build Group" on Facebook. And on there, i saw this person who was building a 1/24th scale Stuka, and wished that he could do a night scheme for [...]

NB-52 with X-15, Atlantis

This is Atlantis models reissue of the old Revell 1/174 kit. Not to much detail, there never was, but they did provide two types of stands and improved the decals. You can also choose to use the external fuel tanks for a SAC version, ala [...]

1/144 SCALE REVELL DC-10/30 ARROW CARGO - Last Part

The last part of this model build deals with finishing the panel line's on the aft top section of the model which incorporates the 3rd engine and tail plane. Since I have to roll my masking tape around the engine housing I choose to use my [...]

1/144 Scale Revell DC-10-30 "ARROW CARGO" part one.

I was looking around on the "Airliner's" web site and found this DC-10/30 ARROW CARGO airplane. With some more surfing I found the Arrow Cargo decals made by "" Next up was locating a DC-10/30 in 1/144 [...]

Revell 1/48 B-1B (Finished This Time) and Stuff.

Well, I thought the contest I was bringing this to was in November. I had to finish this up in a week. (The last bits, putting on the landing gear, doors and bombs in the bays was finished yesterday after work. I had no idea I'd be up a [...]

Revell 1/48 B-1B

I have had this kit in the stash for about a decade now. (The day I bought it at Happy Hobby in Milwaukee the owner, Dennis, called me out the front door and an actual B-1 was doing a flyby at Timmerman Field! True story!) I have [...]

Stuka Ju 87G-1 Tank Buster Revell 1/48

This is the older Stuka Ju 87G-1 Tank Buster from Revell 1/48 1968, Amazing kit, easy to built. One of the cannons was the only fit issue fixed with some putty. No pro photos this time, just iphone pictures Enjoy the pictures. Este es el [...]

Update No. 1- Ju 87G-1

This interior was four pieces. It was two chairs, a stick, and a floor. Really, REALLY simplistic. And I was corrected from my last post, this is a monogram kit that is being made by Revell, or bought by Revell, or something like that. So [...]

New Project

I messed up on the 262 with its paint scheme and decals. I painted the green where the gray should have been on the fuselage, and grey where the two tone camo green should have been on the wings. And I destroyed one of the decals on [...]