The Star Wars Database at iModeler

110 articles
  • Items tagged with Star Wars
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  • Last addition 1 year, 10 months ago

Star Wars modeling

Bandai AT-ST, 1/48 scale

Howdy all! I havent had something to post in a while but here is one of my latest completions. I wanted to practice my groundwork and level up my chipping skills so I put those into play with this build. I also broke the concussion [...]

AMT / ERTL Xizor's Virago from Star Wars Shadows of the Empire

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire is a 1996 multimedia project created by Lucasfilm. The idea was to create a story set between the films The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, and to explore [...]

Incom T-65B X-Wing Starfighter

My daughter got me this beauty for Christmas and I dove right in. It is the Bandai 1/72 "X-Wing Starfighter" boxing of the X-wing as seen in Episode IV, the first movie and to me still the best. If like me you have never built [...]

Tiny Walker: Bandai's AT-M6, 1/550 scale

I’m by no means a Star Wars fanboy or have any Star Wars doo dads in my work cave and office nor have I watched one episode of the new Mandalorian series. Along with my future wife, I did join the jubilant sidewalk party while waiting in [...]

Sandtrooper riding Dewback

My love of Star Wars started when I was 7. My Dad took me to the theater in Ashland, WI shortly after Episode IV - A New Hope opened. As we sat there eating popcorn the giant star destroyer entered the scene and just kept getting bigger. I [...]

Razor Crest: "The Mandalorian" From Star Wars, 1/240(approx) Bandai

Razor crest, ship from the Mandalorian series, a small model, but full of details, very good fit, only 2 days work... metallic chrome rust-oleum paint, clear blue from Tamiya, clear red from Humbrol, satin black from model master , [...]

Bandai. AT-ST , 1/48 .

Bandai 1/72 X-Wing

Decided to build another Bandai Star Wars kit since I had so much fun on the last one I did. These go together really easily with no fuss which makes it a low stress build allowing me to focus most of my attention on painting and [...]

Star Destroyer from Bandai

I was also done with the Star Destroyer. Bandai, 1: 14500 scale. It had to be sealed here and there, unlike Death Star II. The real challenge is painting, these ships are usually brilliant whites in the movies (except for the Jedi [...]

Death Star II - Bandai

It only took a few days of construction and painting to have a cheeky little table decoration. Bandai boxed the Death Star II with a Star Destroyer, originally I wanted to build the warship, but the superweapon got me. It can be put [...]