Tamiya scale model kits
2624 articles
I used the Tamiya P-51D mustang kit in 1/48 scale for this one. This started out to be a pain in the you know where build. I started out with Loon Models no cut conversion. It is 2 complete fuselage halves made out of resin and a separate [...]
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Tamiya P47D Bubbletop
Aeromaster Decals - RAF Thunderbolts 48-302
Tamiya, Gunze & Alclad paints.
More to come...
Practice, practice, practice! This kit was used as practice for air brushing. the fit was terrible! The decals for low vis versions were 3 different shades! The only good thing about it was the decently detailed landing gear. Considered [...]
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Tamiya P47D Bubbletop
Ultracast Seat
Aeromaster Decals "Thunderbolts Over Europe"
Tamiya & Alclad Paints
Hi Everyone
Tamiya P47 D Bubbletop
Ultracast Seat
Superscale Decals 48-1185
Tamiya & Alclad paints
One of my personal favourites and plan to do more 405th FG aircraft.
Hi Everyone
Tamiya P47D Razorback
Ultracast Seat
Superscale Decals
Tamiya, Gunze & Alclad paints.
If you haven't guessed already, P47's are my favourite plane. The variation in markings and nose art (or fuselage art in some cases) [...]
Hi Everyone
Tamiya P47D
Ultracast Seat & Wheels
Kits World Decals
Tamiya & Gunze Paints
Comments Welcome
tamiya 1/48 F4U-1D...techmod decals
as mentioned in my P-47 article here is the P-51D with same name..This one was kind of unusual. It has 2 VHF antanaes on the top behind the canopy and one on the bottom just forward of the main gear. I also saw a color profile of this [...]
This kit is the Tamiya P-47D Bubble Top. Built straight out of the box, except Super Scale decals. True story, thats real funny. The reason I chose to do this aircraft is my mother-in-law. She is a sweet lady, I love her to death. She is a [...]