The Zvezda Database at iModeler

151 articles
  • Items tagged with Zvezda
  • 151 articles
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  • Last addition 5 years, 1 month ago

Zvezda model kits

Review: Zvezda 1/72 JU-88 A-4 review

Video: Zvezda 1/72 YAK-130 review

MiG Group Build recap

First, I would like to thank all the participants to this group build, wheter you finished your builds or not. I must admit, I expected slightly larger participation but I am nevertheless proud of the resulting builds and I hope our group [...]

Yak-130 of Myanmar Air Force (Zvezda 1/48)

Modern aviation is a completely new thing to me. Mainly I'm interested in airplanes of 30th till 50th, because... well, I don't know why. Maybe because of a sound of big piston engines, maybe because I like some spinning stuff, like props. [...]

WWII Soviet airplane – 1/48

Hello again, these are two Soviet World War II aircraft kits in 1:48 scale. The mig 3 is a trumpeter kit, the Yak 3 is a Svezda kit. I must say that there is no comparison in quality. Trumpeter beats Svezda 2-0. The Mig is with a [...]

Video: Tupolev Tu-154M ČSA – Zvezda 1/144 – Airliner Model

Zvezda Su-2 1/48

Zvezda's Su-2 is a decent kit, with lots of detail for a fair price. It has its drawbacks, such as the void of detail bomb bay, but goes together without major issues. For this project I used Eduard's p.e. set as well as parts from Mars [...]

ZVEDA's 1/144 Scale Boeing 787.8 DREAMLINER Part 3.

I'm ready to paint the model, but I must double check some of the basics to building a quality model. These basics are: "find and fix" seams, gaps, sink marks, panel lines and most important is "Alinement." I attach [...]

Review: Zvezda 1/72 SU-57 review

HMS Dreadnought 1907

Zvezda 1/350 plus Pontos Upgrades and North Star sundries