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John Healy
165 articles


September 14, 2013 · in Aviation · · 9 · 1.4K

I'm currently working on a DC-8 and Tu-154M as a change of pace. I realized that the last airliners I built were the A330 and 767 shown here. I thought I would share them. The A330 is a kit built in 1998. It's finished with Xtracolor AerLingus green over Boyd White, Liveries Unlimited decals, and glossed with Floquil Crystal clear. The 767 was also built in 1998 and finished with Boyd White, Humbrol blue mixed, and again Liveries Unlimited decals and a squirt of Floquil Crystal clear. The 727 is an kit painted with Testors chrome enamel and gloss gull gray. Like the others, it sports Liveries Unlimited decals. It was completed in 1995. I'm nowhere near as skilled as the real 1/144 experts, but I do enjoy them.

If you've never built an airliner, try one!

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4  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Good looking models, John!

    Got a soft spot in my heart for the Two Seven from working on them for many years. Ours were painted - I sure wouldn't have wanted to be the poor guy who had to polish all that bare metal!

    • Thanks Jaime! They're almost extinct in the US. I work at O'Hare and the only ones that still show up from time to time on Signature's ramp are a couple ex-Delta birds owned by a private entity.

      • Copy on the extinct. I saw a freighter 727 with winglets a few months ago here at IAH, but that's the first one I've seen in years. We had 130 of them when I went to work here, and a good number of them were flying off of coral runways out in the South Pacific. Good, tough, reliable flying machine...

  2. Great work, John. I love airliner models, but they don't love me. Too much work ! Thanks for letting me enjoy yours.

  3. I really admire guys who can build airlines and get such a nice finish. The smooth glossy finish is why I haven't tried one since I was a kid! Great job man!

  4. man...those are pretty

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