Dad’s survivors
These are kits my father built during his retirement before he passed and returned to Mars in 2012, he had a lot more but I couldn't keep them all. Each one has a little elec. motor in the nose, he installed little leads to run it up by an outside power source. the DR VII is 1/48 monogram/aurora, the trainer is I think 1/48 Lindberg, TheType10 is !/50 UPC { I got that when I was young ,always to scared to build It.} The D VIII is Balsa wood don't know the make or scale He also scratch built a few. Thanks for your indulgence. P.S part of Dads collection.
Nice to have those keepsakes alive and well. Take good care of 'em.
Pretty cool. That stuff should be around a while.
The D-VII is the Monogram redo of the Aurora, going by the markings with the kit. Lindberg Stearman, and the UPC.
Looks like he had the Revell 1/28 DR I, Camel, and SPAD. The other large WW Is look like the Auroras that started out/ doubled as gas engined flying models. D VII and SE-5A. Haven't seen or thought of those in years! I never saw those for sale, only in ads or their catalogue.
Great collection!
How many others you got? Always interesting to see where we came from. Also good they survived. Most of mine didn't.
Nice! I remember as a young boy finding a half-dozen kits my dad had built in my Grandmother's basement. Took them out and destroyed them. Could kick myself now! I did get to build some for him in later years of all those he flew in the Air Force - that was a nice "what goes around comes around."
Sadly most on the shelves are gone, Some were scratch builds/kit bash. I've got a testors/hawk gee bee 7/11 that didn't make the photo shoot, it's likely the third or fourth one between him and me that was built. The first four and the geebee are all thats left.
Great Stuff! Wish I had kept some of my oldies. My Kid has that kit of the torpedo triplane, man that's old!
Bill, it was in the first wave of Japanese kits in the early 60s, along with their Babs, Jake, and Dinah. UPC also had little 1/100(?) kits of the Tony and the KI-45, which were all you could get, plus Sanwa, which were REAL basic and covered with rivets in some small scale. I remember a Raiden and a George.
There was also a 1/100? Me 262,plus a range of international PT boats.
Great keepsakes, Robert. I remember my father built some of the Airfix 1/32 vintage car kits, I have no idea what happened to them, but he was a big enthusiast, even to living on the London to Brighton road after he retired so that he could watch these cars on their annual run.
In memory of Martian modellers everywhere...
lovely story ! those models are a real treasure trove !
Fantastic. I have a Hs123 dad built . Where it all began.