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Colin Latta
54 articles

Monogram's 1/48 Typhoon 1b, 438 Squadron, RCAF

February 13, 2016 · in Aviation · · 20 · 2.9K

Monograms classic from the 1970's, rescribed the panel lines, drilled out the guns, exhaust etc, scratchbuilt an interior, detailed the wheel wells and gear, converted kit prop to a 3 blade prop, and added bomb racks and bombs.

Hope you like,

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9  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. very nice, god paint job!

  2. Good looking build, Colin.

  3. Very nicely finished and photographed...great-lookin' build, sir.

  4. Colin, you can still get a good looking model out of those old Monograms. Fine work, always good to see one built. It set the standard for a looong time, 'til Hasegawas.

  5. Great job Colin, the re-scribed panel lines look great. These old Monogram kits were remarkably good for their day. The Typhoon was a great Monogram kit, the shape to me looks perfect and I think your fixes has brought it right up to date. Monogram (does the company still exist?) should do some Airfix type "re tools" of their kits, like this one!

    • All of the Monogram 1/48 aircraft kits were great, but some were better than others. The Monogram Typhoon was one of the better ones (it was even boxed by Hasegawa for a time). It does, however suffer from some slight inaccuracies, but nothing that cannot be fixed. I believe Monogram to be defunct, but Revell has taken quite a few of their molds and the Typhoon has been released under the Revell banner and could be had for under twenty dollars. Throw in a little work like Colin did and a real stunner can be had.

  6. I've always liked the look of the Typhoon, and your model brings out the best of it.

  7. Nice job Colin! I've built this kit and it sure doesn't compare to what you have done with this classic model.

  8. Beautiful! I tried to build this 20 years ago, and pretty much ruined it. Yours makes me want to maybe try again. Keep up the excellent work!

  9. Very well done Colin, some good modeling work here.

  10. Colin, you could have easily passed this off as a Hasegawa kit and know one would have been the wiser. Great job of turning a old classic into a contemporary classic.

    Two thumbs up

  11. Very wel done and yes those Monogram kits were and still many are my favorites. I believe the Typhoon was actually originally released in the 60s, which makes it even more impressive!

  12. Great looking build! Typhoons look to me like a "muscle car of the skies." Your detail work on this one makes a great-looking model.

  13. A very nice model, Good to see someone still doing it the old fashioned way, with scratchbuilding. I used to have this in my stash, but traded it in when Hasegawa brought theirs out. Still a good kit though. Well done on all counts

  14. Thanks, everybody for the kind comments. I enjoy the building up the older kits, to me, that's real modelling!

  15. Superb model, from one of my favourite 'classic' Monogram kits.


  16. Brilliant work. Weathered to perfection.

  17. A great build Colin - as David L.S. says, beautifully weathered.

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