Revell 1:32 Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10 Erla Yellow 2 KG(J)27
Paint: MR. Paint
Decals: BarracudaCals (BC32145)
Extras: HGW Models Fabric Seat Belts, Barracuda Studios Oil Cooler and Air Intake Scoop.
A really enjoyable build and made even more pleasurable using MR. PAINT. The kit has no real vices and required just a smear of filler in the wing roots and mid upper wing join. I really must thanks Mr James Hatch of Large Scale Models for his encouragement and sourcing the MR. PAINT for me to test and now review.
Anyway what you really come here to see was the photos.
Very nice colours and markings, Michelle. I have no idea of the right nuances but they look right to my eyes. Always liked the late marks of the 109 and the racing number and checkered band are very appealing.
Nice work. Great paint job, especially the wavy leading edge.
Thanks, this one did cause me to think, in the end I cut a mask from masking tape.
great job! love the paintwork.
Very nice Michelle. I too like the band, and a great job on the paint work overall.
Thanks, I'm pleased with the way it tuned out.
Looks very good! Luftwaffe cammo is very interesting, good airbrush work you have done here. What are "Mr Paint", acrylics? I'm a bit of a Humbrol fan, but only because I have used them for years, so know what to expect with their performance.
Thanks, MR PAINT is a new product, a lacquer based acrylic paint made for airbrushing by a company in Slovakia.
Another kudo for the leading edge wave. Good lookin 'Schmitt
Nice build and equally nice photos.
awesome paint. Awesome work, Michelle.
Michelle, great late war ME/BF. What is the checkered band? Defence of the Reich is usually solid bands? Nice looking touch, regardless.
Thanks, I have seen Defence of the Reich ID as solid bands, striped bands and this and one other chequered design, however I have made no in depth study of the subject.
Sweet bird, excellent paint
Neat work, Michelle, is the spiral marking on the spinner a decal or clever masking?
Thank you, it's a decal but still a bit fiddly applying
Nice work Michelle - some lovely touches - would like to know about the spinner spiral - is the '52' a decal? thanks
Thanks, the spinner spiral is a decal as is the 52 delivery code on the tail
A perfect job on this one. Well done Michelle!
A beautiful job. Your airbrush work and masking are really excellent and the colors of the Mr. PAINT look better than anything I've seen out of the bottle. I must look into these!
Thanks, MR.Paint is great paint.
Is the mottle freehand at low pressure or a mottle mask? Nice work.
Freehand at 5psi using MR. PAINT straight from the bottle with H&S Evolution using 0.2mm nozzle/needle
Great build Michelle; especially the fuselage mottling!
Great looking 109 ! I have the kit in my stash and hope to get it built looking as nice as this one !