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Andrew Frill
27 articles

Monogram 1/48 AD-6 Skyraider

March 22, 2016 · in Aviation · · 14 · 2.8K

kit re-scribed with Super Scale decals for VA-65. True Details wheels. Enjoy!


Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Nice job...Monogram rules!

  2. Beautiful build. That's from that classic Big E air wing.

  3. Thanks everyone for the compliments. Man if Monogram just retooled these releases to have engraved panel lines , think of the money they would make!

    • Andy, they only did that once that I know of, with their P-51B. Also gave a better pilot figure.

      One of their strengths, which I wondered why they didn't capitalize on, was their figures. Even their earlier "little" figures, like the running pilot and LSO in their SBD and TBF. Why not figure sets? Nah, nobody will buy them, ask Hasegawa and Eduard, and the resin folks. Brilliant!

      As noted, some upgrading, with better details, and they'd have sold some more. Note the continued comments here, whenever one is built and posted.

      Hey, what do I know? I'm just some old busted down modeler. Must be all that zylene, and solvents.

  4. Looks perfect! Love the exhaust staining. You're post shading on panel lines looks similar to mine. Do you achieve with airbrush, pastels, or something else. I've got a Korean War Skyraider on my on-deck shelf, and an RF-101 built but not yet painted on my shelf, so I kinda feel like I'm following in your footsteps relative to your posts here!

    • Greg,
      I do pre-shading first and then when im all done with the main colors I will go back with a really thin black brown mix in wing roots and other areas.


  5. Good to see you got it dirty enough to be accurate.

  6. Dirty bird i like it

  7. That is one beautiful looking Skyraider ! Love the overall finsih 🙂

    Cheers Brian

  8. Great to see a SPAD with out the Bumble Bee on the tail. They've been done add nausea, it seems everyone who builds a Tamiya kit that is.

    Two thumbs up on something different.

  9. Exhaust stains either make or break an A-1, that and the oil leakage from the engine. Hear tell if there ain't oil leaking, you know something is wrong...
    These are really good, and an example to refer to, whilst considering doing them.

  10. Nice to see a pre VN Skyraider. Good job!

  11. One of my favourite Skyraider schemes. Really like that.


  12. Andrew, like Stephen, I like the fact that you did NOT give it the Bumblebee tail ...
    These are such cool beasts! I think our WWII enemies can rest easier because they never had to suffer through SPAD attacks! Imagine, a single-engine fighter-sized (almost) aircraft that can carry a bomb load equal to or more than an early B-17! Awesome!

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