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Carl Christensen
50 articles

1/48 Hobby Boss T-34

December 28, 2016 · in Armor · · 11 · 1.9K

This is the first kit I've built, and I was not ready for all the internal detail, complete engine and crew compartment - what a fabulous kit! Unfortunately with what I had planned for it I never built the interior, except for the gun, and once the Tank Commander was added you cant even see that.

I added the Tamiya figures and they were pretty good too.

The kit and the figures are straight from the box and no after market items, so was a cheap build for once.

Due to room in my display cabinet becoming very tight I have had to put off making it into a diorama (for now), but already have that planned out in my head for another time.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Both HB & Tamiya produce outstanding kits...and so did you, sir. Nice!

  2. Looks great, The HB T-34 series from HB is one of the best in this scale.

  3. The T-34 is a great looking tank and you've made the best of it with this kit, it looks great.

  4. Good looking build! Look forward to seeing the dio when you get around to it. The figures already give it a nice sense of action.

  5. WOW! Great weathering.

  6. Super build. Your figures are great.

  7. Your T-34 looks very realistic. I like the mud and the figures that are used too. Very nice overall.

  8. Great job on the tank and the figures! Urrrah!

  9. Carl, nice work on this, would really like to see it on a nice diorama.
    Well done !

  10. Looks great! The weathering and the figures bring the model to life.

  11. Carl, VERY nice! I really like the figures huddled on the back. Great attention to weathering. I hope some day to do as well!

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