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DH Vampire T.55

December 26, 2016 · in Aviation · · 12 · 2K

Well here's a thing, I finished an too !

Built for the RNZAF 80th Anniversary GB over at Kiwi Modeller, the Airfix T.11/T.55 is quite simply a delight. Construction is virtually vice-free with only a 'smear' of putty here and there,

I wasn't suffering from Advanced Modellers Syndrome but the next time that I am, I'll rush-out and buy/build another one of these as I've got a shed-load of marking left to use-up.

Paint is all enamel, mainly Xtracolour, I had to mix my own 'DayGlo' / fluorescent red for the tail - apparently it was for a high visibility evaluation in 1969 - all sealed in under a coat of Johnsons Klear, the Xtradecal decals snuggled-down with very little effort and I finished the wee thing with a couple of light coats of Humbrol Satin Cote(sic).

As ever if you have any questions, comments or criticism on the build, please feel free. Almost certainly my last finish for a couple of months as we're heading back to the 'old world' straight after New Year for the first time in almost five years.

Happy & peaceful 2017 everyone...


Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. It certainly looks "delightful", Ian, very attractive colour scheme.

  2. I like that...the red tail gives it "pizazz" 🙂 - nice job, Ian (safe trip to the 'old world' - wherever that may be). 🙁

    • Germany to see the in-laws, Luxembourg to see my wifes cousins & family and back to UK to see mine.

      Leaving New Zealand summer for Northern European winter... FOR A MONTH !


  3. Ki ora, Ian!
    Smashing scheme, that!
    One of Airfix' best issues, in the new lot.
    Nicely done and beautifully finished, he dayglo makes the scheme. Even brighter than the usual trainer "look out, here I come" schemes.

  4. Ah yes, the good old days when we kiwis had an Airforce with a strike capacity. Nice job Ian!

  5. That is a real smart tight build Ian. Very nice indeed for a model that represents a jet with a lot of wood built into too.

    Two thumbs on this one.

  6. Yes, good looking model Ian, well done, I have these decals to do this but without the red tail as the Yellowhammers aero team.

  7. Great build, and I love the scheme! Very attractive.

  8. Real nice! A great looking aircraft.

  9. Hello Ian,
    Attractive color scheme and well finished.
    Best Wishes to you also.
    Dirk/The Netherlands.

  10. Quite lovely, Ian! You do very good work. I've enjoyed looking at your collection. I wish you'd take & post a few more photos. Thanks for sharing!

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