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Carl Christensen
50 articles

Ordnance disposal – Iraq

December 25, 2016 · in Diorama · · 9 · 2.1K

Two firsts for me here, a kit and kit. The Takom is the 'Civilian car' which comes with a terrorist and bombs for the boot, and the Meng 1/35 Ordnance Disposal Specialists (2 figures and 2 robots). Both kits were very good and are pretty much from the box. All I did was put a few bullet holes in the car door and a couple of after market cardboard boxes in the boot. I did grapple with how best to do this , to make it real and at the same time not to gruesome with all the blood. I decided to put a blanket over the dead terrorist as it still gave the effect I wanted without too much 'detail' as to how he died.

The car kit was good and went together well. It did not have an engine which might have been good. If I wasn't so lazy I could have scratched built one, but didn't. The Meng kit has a kneeling and standing figure. I wanted to use the kneeling figure but for some reason he just looked to big kneeing behind the car so I just went with the standing figure. The robot was pretty good too, it just added a few bits of cabling to the cameras etc to make it look more real.

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9 responses

  1. The car model comes with a "...terrorist and bombs..." ? Just goes to show ya how the world in which we live has changed, doesn't it?
    Very convincing 'bullet holes' I might add.

  2. Yes the description is different from what we're used to, but at least you don't have to scratchbuild your own terrorist.

  3. Very interesting.

  4. Amazing kits! The bullet holes in the car look good. I appraised a couple of cars that got shot up in Baltimore. 20 years ago.

  5. I met an Israeli ordnance disposal cop here on holiday in New Zealand about 15 years ago and have an immense respect for the work these guys do all over the world.

  6. Well thought out display, but it's sad to think this is what is going on in the world today.

  7. Well executed project, though sobering subject matter.

  8. Outstanding work.

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