1/48 Tamiya AD-4 Skyraider VMA-121 Korean War
I was overjoyed when I found out that some AD-4 Skyraiders received armor plate kits in the Korean War. For me, this meant I could use the Tamiya 1/48 AD-6 kit mostly out of the box...er... what I mean is, I wouldn't have to grind off the plating already present on the kit.
I used the old resin KMC Skyraider seat from their cockpit set, as I felt the seat was more accurate for an AD-4 in the Korean War.
I had to move an antenna (from fuselage spine to under the tail section) and scratch build one (on spine behind cockpit) as well as remove the beacon on the tail.
I noticed in photos that large capacity bombs on the centerline of the Skyraider tended to have a bracing fitted. I used thin plastic card to replicate what i saw in pictures. I used KMC Tiny Tim rockets, in addition to the bomb and HVARs from the Tamiya kit. I had to scratch build the early skyraider wing pylons.
I airbrushed the Sea Blue, and then followed it up with about 3 coats of future applied with a brush before decalling. I used Eurodecal decals (no longer in production) obtained via a very generous modeller online! When researching this airframe, I found there was a bomb tally missing on the Eurodecal sheet. What to do?
Online again- another modeller very kindly offered some 1/72 B-17 bomb tally decals, which were EXACTLY the right size and shape!- Incredible!
Living in Bermuda, I am ALWAYS very grateful for the help available to me via other modellers over the internet. That is why I try to help others when I can if I have parts or decals to offer.
The decals were sealed in with two coats of Future (to help snug down the decals) and two carefully brushed coats of Micro Satin, as these aircraft lost the gloss sheen of their GSB finish in theater. Then I airbrushed some exhaust stains on the fuselage. I have been a bit afraid to add mud splatter to the wheels and undersides, but hope to do that once I get my confidence up to do so!
Thanks for your time!
Can't have too many Skyraiders to look at, Dan...this one's a beauty!
Thanks Craig! I have a few more kits waiting to be photographed and uploaded- can't seem to ever find the time until now!
Hi Dan. Your Skyraider looks awesome! I have seen a photo of a Korean War Skyraider with a kitchen sink strapped to it. As the saying goes, it can carry everything. In Vietnam one dropped a toilet. Want to build both. Your model is a WINNER!
Thanks Morne, Very nice of you to say! I had those Tiny Tims sitting for some time- glad I finally used them!
Thanks Morne, Very nice of you to say! I had those Tiny Tims sitting for some time- glad I finally used them!
Damn gorgeous work Dan, on a good looking A/C. My opinion has always been unless it's in a diorama I don't dirty them up. I like them clean and mean.
Thanks very much Tom- I must say I like GSB Skyraiders- I have another one coming- might be a bit longer than i wanted.
Very nice Dan. A blue Skyraider is a rarity, at least for me
Thanks George- I am glad I went through what I did to get it done.
This Skyraider is fantastic ! Anything that deals with the Korean War always catches my attention. They called it the "Forgotten War". Sadly you don't see too many planes from the Korean War built either. Maybe they were on to something when the Korean War veterans started calling it that. My Dad told me that he was still waiting for his "Turkey Dinner" that was promised to him by President Truman.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Hi Louis,
Glad you like it- I am grateful for the comments tonight. I have a few Korean subjects in my build file here on Imodeler- I have an F7F-3P , AD-5W and AD-4N coming...
Very cool ! I'll keep watching for them.
Dan, this looks excellent, I really like it. Especially the load you attached. Good research, Well done !
Thanks very much Terry! It would not have been possible without the help of two other US modellers!
Looks GREAT, Dan! I like the paint scheme, the load, the detail, the ... heck - ALL of it!
Thanks very much Jeffry!
Looks like the perfect bomb hauler... Great work!
I can't help myself, if its a skyraider, it should be maxed out for load!
Thanks Roberto!
Outstanding work of your AD, Dan!
Thanks Drew-that means a lot!
I have a few more completions I hope to post this week.
Outstanding build Dan, very nicely done. I like your choice of markings with the USMC and VMF-121. Not only a fine model but good photography too. Looks great !
Thanks very much- I am surprised the photography came out okay in the end! Had to edit it a bit.
Great job ! You've got it loaded for bear. Visited Bermuda some years ago. loved it!
Thanks Robert- for the kind comments on the kit and my country!
Superb Skyraider, very nice !
Thanks Bernd!- I am an admirer of your work.
Good model work Dan, not many Skyraider's seen in that color.
Thanks very much- I think most people figure they can only do a Korean War AD if it doesn't have armor plate! I have an AD-4N that I had to grind the plating off (Monogram kit) but outside of that, not much else to do to get the airframe right.
Great looking Skyraider, Dan, looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Hey George! Thanks very much for the kind comment- and thanks again for your help with the Lady Jessie decals!
Excellent Dan! I've got a 1/72 Raider I'm building in Korean War scheme, and have done a little research as well (pylons, aerials, etc), but now I've got another nice piece of "research" in your post! Yours came out great!
Hi Greg, sorry for the mistake post! There were a lot of great pictures on line. The actual photos of this aircraft (not showing this ordnance load) were really very good. I also had help from two other folks one with the kit decals and one with bomb decals and additional reference pictures.
Thanks PK!