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Brad Bronov
4 articles

Airfix 1/72 C-47

July 31, 2017 · in Aviation · · 12 · 4.9K

So, this is a little out of my wheelhouse, as I build primarily 1/48 postwar jets. The origin of this particular build started off quiet unexpectedly, as is often the case with me. While perusing a thread on a Facebook group (Cold War Modeling) dealing with our self-imposed specializations I realized I'd never really given much thought as concerns my own building...commence Soul Searching Routine 1.0. I settled on USAF. Not really as compact as, say, Polish Multi-Engine Jets of WWII, but it would suffice. And in keeping with my newly established boundaries I decided to start at the beginning(ish) of my alma mater. Thus was born a project depicting one of the USAF's earliest marked airplanes, a war-weary pressed into service during the Berlin Airlift. The result is humbly presented here as my first submission to foray into aircraft with spinny things on the front of the engines (as opposed to engines composed entirely of spinny things, as is right and proper). I'll update this post with build details shortly, as time doesn't permit me to do it now, but I thought I'd at least get a start at it...hope you enjoy this little contribution.


Alrighty, to finish...this, as stated, is the new-tool . As my first experience with Airfix under Hornby, I have nothing to compare it to. Generally, it's a good kit. They've managed to cram a lot of plastic onto the box, and the kit includes a full interior. Parts fit could be a little more precise, but I managed to get it all together. O problem that keeps cropping up with these CAD designed kits is that build inaccuracies telegraph throughout the build...a little bit off here leads to way off somewhere else. If you're careful to ensure alignment, it shouldn't present much of a problem. I wasn't. Another nit I picked was that I felt the panel lines where a tad heavy. Not Matchbox heavy, but I felt they could have been more restrained.

I used most of the Big Ed photoech kit for it, the stand-out omission being the flaps. They're beautifully designed, but really need to be soldered to ensure tey hold together for more than 20 seconds. I built this before discovering solder paste, and consequently made a mess of them. Other than that, Eduard is still the king of PE and I'll happily invest more than the price of the kit to provide those enhancements. Also used were a number of Quick Boost sets for items like wheels, engines, and exhaust assemblies. I had purchased the radiator intakes, but they were more of a risk to install than I wanted to take, and as it turns out, extremely fragile. Decals are from Iliad Designs, and are first rate. I also used a set of C-47 stencils from an Eastern European manufacturer whose name escapes me...

Painting was primarily accomplished with Vallejo colors...I love these more and more every day. Great coverage, airbrush and paintbrush friendly, excellent opacity. I couldn't ask for more. The main color had to be custom mixed to reflect the heavily faded paint of the real thing. Not sure I nailed it, but it's reasonably close.

Notably missing is the antenna day I may add it, but I was approaching critical mass on this build and just wanted done with it.

Next up on my vintage USAF list...C-46?

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17  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. "...engines composed entirely of spinny things..." - I love it! Welcome to iModeler, sir and we look forward to more contributions. 🙂

  2. Hello Bradley and welcome to imodeler. My compliments on a very nice build of the Airfix C-47. You certainly achieved the war-weary look quite well. As Craig stated above, we look forward to seeing more of your fine work.

  3. Bradley, welcome! Nice to see a veteran C-47 looking patchy, postwar. and still soldiering on. Different and interesting.

  4. A beautiful Gooney, and welcome to iModeler!

  5. Welcome, Bradley! This is a great 1st entry - or any other # entry, for that matter. I love your sense of humour and your narrative that goes with your great creation.


  6. Very nice Bradley, clean an exact build. Like this one.

  7. A very appropriate subject. The Berlin Airlift was where modern air cargo was invented. You ought to pick up richard Reeves' "Daring Young Men," a great book on the Berlin Airlift and its influence on later aviation (24/7 operation, cargo tracking, etc.) There's a good movie, "The Big Lift," starring Montgomery Clift, filmed in Berlin during the event, with actual USAF crews as "extras."

    Very credible work and an excellent model.

  8. Great work ! and welcome.

  9. Outstanding in every aspect! Well done. Welcome to the best site for our hobby!

  10. My compliments for a great build! Wonderful subject as well and you did the old bird in a great and well used livery. Great job!
    For all of you interested: from 10 - 19 june 2019 there will be a celebration of the Berlin Airlift in Germany. The organisers are trying to get as many aircraft types involved together for this event. A facebook group keeps you up to date:

  11. Beautiful weather scheme Brad.

  12. Very nicely done, Brad, I'm always interested in aircraft from the early part of the cold war, and this a great example.

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