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Alpha Jet - a 'Year of the Cat' build

August 23, 2017 · in Aviation · · 13 · 2.4K

Hey again...
Yep two finishes in as many days - definitely NOT the way I usually roll, but no matter.

1:48 with (outstanding) Wingman decals and no other extras whatsoever. Kit does have some 'build issues' most notably in the wing/fuselage join - so-much-so that in order to build it with the flaps dropped, you need to cut away a couple of milimeters from the inside edge of the flaps and re-profile them with a sanding stick to get them wing in to position.

Also the engraved details appear to have been applied by an entrenching tool... all that said, it's still light-years ahead of the old Heller & Esci kits from back in the day.

Paints are all Xtracolour enamels except the yellow on the fin which is Tamiya acrylic straight from the jar.

Please feel free to make any criticism, comments or ask any questions.


Reader reactions:
18  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. Nice sheme and finish. I love this Jet.

  2. Your Alpha jet turned out great ! The markings are striking and very colorful to say the least. I really like it !

    Thank you for participating in our Group Build. Who knows ? You may still have time for a few more ... That would be a very welcome addition.

  3. Well done, Ian!

  4. Very attractive realization. Thank you !

  5. Beautiful build there, Ian...nice work indeed.

  6. Excellent build! The scheme is really striking, and your finish work looks great. Well done!

  7. I allready followed your your build of the Alpha Jet and it turned out really beautiful. Great job and a wonderful cat!

  8. Thank you all, despite the, erm... challenges, I did enjoy this one. Louis I will be doing at least two more 'Cats' for the GB, keep watching the group thread, matey.


  9. Very cool mate, and great painting skills!

  10. Very nice indeed, great looking scheme!

  11. A very striking "cat", really enjoyed your build.

  12. Ian, this is just cool !, A nicely build model and a really attractive scheme.
    I like this a lot !

  13. Very nice build Ian. Particularly the Tiger livery...

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