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Stan Traas
46 articles

Tamiya 1/48 Sd.Kfz 234/2 Puma

August 3, 2017 · in Armor · · 11 · 2.2K

OK... my latest attempt at dirtying armor.

Used most of the Hauler P-E set... the jerry can straps were really "fun". Also used an RB turned aluminum barrel, Aber "feelers" (? dunno what they're called) and added mirrors punched from chrome mylar. paints, oil wash, acrylic (water based) for mud 'n' crud, No. 2 pencil for scratches, and a little bit of everything for rusting out the mufflers. Modified the suspension parts to articulate the wheels. I believe the steering was all-wheel, so the inner sets turn less than the front & back. Need to make a decent base for it!

All comments (especially dirt coaching) welcome. Thanks for looking!

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4  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Great job, Stan! I like the Puma armored vehicle!

  2. Stan, first rate job on the 8 rad. I was eyeing one of these in a hobby shop the other day. I see I shoulda bought it. Rats!

  3. Nice kitty. You know there's a group build going on here
    the year of the cat". Your Puma might fit IMHO.
    Usual outstanding work. Tires and lower end are dirtied nicely, mufflers look great. Just need to tone down the uppers and tools jerry cans etc. with a "dust" spray. little bit of light earth mixed with flatcoat will do it. Or Floquil "Dust" if you have an old bottle around. And some grease/oil stains on the engine compartment. Mechanics are dirty people.

  4. Looks the part to me, Stan...nice job.

  5. I like this, Stan, especially the tyres, very convincing.

  6. Stan, wonderful model, great looking weathering. Well done !

  7. Well done Stan, if mine ends up half as nice as yours I'll be happy.

  8. It really looks the part Stan - very nice!

  9. Hello Stan,
    great model. I was especially impressed with the spare tire on the back. It looks so real. Well done.
    Dirk / The Netherlands.

  10. Very nice Stan. I must get into 1:48 armour one day

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