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Charles King
123 articles

Truck Docking Bay

November 13, 2017 · in Diorama · · 25 · 2.4K

The truck docking bay was scratch built using foam-board and lots and lots of small misc. materials from my big box of miscellaneous stuff. The trailer is from Italeri, which I added some scratch built parts to it. The forklift is a toy, that I converted and added scratch built parts and repainted.

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

25 responses

  1. THIS. IS. AMAZING! I'm lost for words. At what scale is it?

  2. Something very different, your use of miscellaneous spare parts and accessories has helped to produce a very convincing scene that is so commonplace in today's world.

  3. This is so realistic I at first thought the photo depicted the real docking bay! This is absolutely marvelous!

  4. Your'e not foolin' us for a minute, Charles...this can't be something you made - it's waaaaaay too good. ๐Ÿ™‚
    (and there's no limit on how many pics you can post, so go on back down to that company where you took these pictures and post some more - and this time, put a bottle of paint or sumthin' in one of the photos to quiet skeptics like me). ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Thank you kindly.

  6. A cracking presentation, Charles.

  7. Fantastic! I also had to take a second look - thought it was real.

  8. Fabulous, Charles. You have a real eye for details. And for reproducing those details in a small scale.

    VERY well done!

  9. Great job again.

  10. Just to thanks everyone. I won best diorama and received a honor medal for best diorama for this build. Yes. I am kinda proud right now.

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