THE FRYING PAN CHALLENGE! Part 5. Model finished. Challenge met.
Is that correct English by the way? Do you "meet" a challenge?
Anyway, here she is.
Since the last post, I've worked with thin mists of various colors over the paintwork and with artists colored pencils on the decals, to bleach her and to add some dirt. A dark wash on selected areas, some dry brushing and chipping completed the weathering.
This picture served as inspiration for my weathering. Although I was unable to match this really beat-up look, I'm still quite happy with the result.
More pictures will follow, once I've finished the base plate. (Which isn't part of the challenge)
I started on it by making some shallow valleys with a chisel and some low hills with wall putty, to add some interest to the otherwise flat surface.
But what about the frying pan?, you ask.
I just used it for its designated purpose, making a traditional Swedish Pyttipanna. Or rather, my vegetarian version of it.
Peace fellow modelers and I'll soon be back with some more pics.
There was never any doubt (at least in MY mind), that the 'challenge' would be "met".
That is one cool build, very well done Ulf, and the food looks good too...
I'm not sure, I'm from Newcastle so I don't speak proper English anyway!
Really nice paint job on that one Ulf, great model!
A little disappointed really. I was looking forward to some frying pan action...
Nice job, Ulf!
A great build! Nice frying pan!
Wonderful, CORRECT use of the frying pan! It looks delicious, by the way. What is in it?
Your model and your new techniques came out well, Ulf - you have every right to be happy with the results.
And yes - you can "meet" the challenge. You met it head on!
Thanks Jeff!
Pyttipanna is traditionally made of onions, potato cubes and small pieces of meat. It's typically a dish made from food scraps.
I replace the meat with beans and broccoli.
Sounds yummy to me - either way. Meat, no meat. Tasty! Sounds just like what we call a "skillet" dinner. How original, right?!
We have a similar way of using up food scraps in G.B. ,for some reason we call it " Bubble and squeak" ,it would generally be eaten on Monday using up whatever was left over from Sunday.
I like the Wimpy by the way ,why don't you re-post it in the RAF group build.
Thanks for the tip Neil. I just finished the base plate. Tomorrow I'll put the Wimpy on it, photograph it and post the pictures. I'll try to find the RAF group and post it there.
Delicious result. Good work, Ulf!
Well done, nice job and great result meeting the challange. I will never adhere to such initiative, my frying pan would be broken with all the models I have to crash, because out of time.
It works. The photo provided the inspiration and a model was made. I am sure that no child or adult children were injured while making the kit. Looks fun as does the cooking.
Stunning - the threat of the pan has resulted in a big and beautiful model in record time. Well done Ulf! Although finding the next modeller to take on the pan may be difficult!
Actually, there is already a challenger on the IPMS-Stockholm forum.
Looks like some one is under duress and is having to pray. That may explain why the Me-109 looks so good.
Congratulations, Ulf, you met the challenge successfully with a fine looking Wellington. However, I can't help siding with Rob above, a little frying pan action would also have been fun.
Nicely done Ulf, you did meet the challenge but you din't meat the frying pan ! looks good.
How can you learn English when we don't spell correctly, didn't not din't !
The model looks great! The food does too, and since it's vegetarian, would you mind sending me the recipe on private message? I love adding new stuff to the menu here.
Check your message box:-)
Excellent Wimpy! (and the stuff in the skillet doesn't look too bad either!). Happy New Year Ulf.