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Ray Theron
3 articles

SAAF Dassault Mirage IIICZ in 48th scale by Hobby Boss. Kit no. 80315

January 30, 2018 · in Aviation · · 23 · 3.7K

My second South African Air Force build was the CZ by . Not a bad kit!

The aircraft I modelled is no. 800, which is today the last airworthy Mirage IIIC and is operated by the SAAF Museum and stationed at Zwartkops airfield, Pretoria. Its civil code is ZU-DME "Black Widow" and it currently has a stunning black and gold paint scheme.

During the War in Angola the aircraft was part of 2 Squadron and flew numerous sorties from their base at AFB Hoedspruit.

Underwing stores on this model are 500 litre fuel tanks and Khukri AAMs.

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. Nice-lookin' build, Ray - neat photographic effect on that background as well..:)

  2. The SAAF Mirages had the best looking camo scheme that was applied to any Mirage! Well done Ray. She looks nice!

  3. Some nice mean and moody lighting for a black widow. That's a special Mirage, Ray with lovely photography.

  4. You are welcome. I think that came scheme is really difficult to get right in scale but you've nailed it. Great eye.

  5. You are welcome, Ray. I think that camo scheme is really hard to get right for 'scale' but you've nailed it. Great eye.

  6. Hello Ray,
    Excellent build. I did read (just above) that the camou was freehand. Tahat makes it even more fantastic. Was the SAAF happy with their Mirage?
    regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

  7. Man, this is nice, I love the paint job, Mooi, Post more, I am still in the Congo, and I am having withdrawal symptoms from a lack of building, I am due to get home next week. Baie Mooi.

  8. Very nice presentation, Ray.

  9. Very nice Mirage! Only SAAF plane I've done was a Mirage F.1, but have a Cheetah in the stash calling my name...

    • Thanks, Greg. I have yet to do an F1. Will probably get down to it this year, as I managed to get hold of an ESC 48th kit on eBay for a lot less than the modern Italeri version, which I was going to order. It's a 1984 kit, so may have some challenges! I want to do a Cheetah as well. The only other SAAF kite I have built so far is a Gripen, which I need to take decent pics of so I can post them here 🙂

  10. Very nice! great job!

  11. Very nice Mirage, and the photography really sets it off. Great job Ray!

  12. Great work! If I remember correctly #800 also has an original engine. I always thought the Castle/Springbok on the vertical stabiliser was a mistake by Hobbyboss until I saw a pic of this aircraft in the book "SAAF's Border War" by Peter Baxter

  13. I also had to check it first, Neill. Thanks for the compliment.

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