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Won-hui Lee
55 articles

1/700 Rome Warship

February 4, 2018 · in Ships · · 9 · 3.1K

1/700 scale
Artist Hobby

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

18 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. I love your ship dioramas, I wish I could do one that was so nice!

  2. Beautiful scene.

  3. You certainly have a talent there, sir.

  4. Very nice diorama. You "hit" the mediterranian feeling very well.

  5. Gorgeous! Another seaside work of art. Outstanding, Mr. Won-hui Lee!

  6. Another beautiful diorama!

  7. This seems to be your signature style, Won-hui. Very nice.

  8. It's tiny but you've managed to make it appear as if it's actually moving through the water. Is this your smallest model ship so far?

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