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Brian Scott
76 articles

#2 for 2018 complete 1/48 Ki-61 Tony Special Attack Squadron

March 12, 2018 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2.3K

Finished with Tamiya and MRP paints . Weather with Mig wash . Decals used from Lifelike .

29177643_10214285761350814_829638719236472832_n by b007scott, on Flickr

29136075_10214285762270837_3852812606288953344_n by b007scott, on Flickr

29133287_10214285761790825_5571773584616980480_n by b007scott, on Flickr

29103865_10214285762790850_6508165382442844160_n by b007scott, on Flickr

29101472_10214285761830826_6589401605060165632_n by b007scott, on Flickr

29101406_10214285762870852_4327486572162187264_n by b007scott, on Flickr


Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

11 responses

  1. Nice lookin' build, Brian...I like it.

  2. Beautifully done, Brian. Outstanding. It sure is a "looker!"

  3. Brian, This is really nice ! I have heard form a good friend that this is an fantastic kit, and from the looks of what you've done here, I'd say he's right. I like it !

  4. Brian you have done a great job with this Hien.

    I have been trying to decide what color scheme I want to build mine in. It would really be cool if Tamiya released a short nosed earlier plane.

    Terry if you want to know what is inside the box, I did a kit review on the model a while back. I changed it up a while ago so it should hopefully be a little better than the original version. You can find the review under the "K" letter if you look in the A-Z tab.

  5. Brian, that is too pretty to be a Kamikaze. Love the insignia! Beautiful build, love them inline engines.

  6. Really like this model. Nice job. Unique subject...not another Zero, P-51, ME-109, etc.

  7. Those Hasegawa Tonys are real honeys.

  8. I think it's the recent Tamiya kit, Brian included Tamiya in his tags. Brian's a man of few words but he turns out excellent models and this one is no exception.

  9. Nicely done Brian

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