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Christian WERY
19 articles

Supermarine Walrus MK I (1/48 Special Hobby)

April 13, 2018 · in Aviation · · 47 · 6.7K

This is an old kit, the that I started to build in 2017 before seeing the first pictures of the future Airfix in the same scale. I chose to continue my model by trying to raise it to the level of the future Airfix. There was especially work to be done at the level of nonexistent rivets on SH kit and the canopy had to be much improved in order to present it open. In this regard, I want to thank Special Hobby who sent me gracefully twice (!) the canopy that I had difficulty sawing properly.

The great difficulties lay in the correct adjustment of the lower and upper wings, because some struts are inverted in the instructions. It was necessary to build a kind of expanded polystyrene template. In addition, the engine is misaligned by 3 ° to avoid an undesirable effect on the rudder (rotation around the yaw axis). The rigging posed real difficulties only at the connections between the engine and the wings. The rest is a matter of care and time. Eight months, anyway, on this model.

The J9G was shipped on HMS Manchester (714 squadron) in 1939, in India.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

47 responses

  1. A real labour of love, Christian, and well worth it. I think the riveting turned out brilliantly, love the cockpit, and the canopy is excellent. Great photos, too.
    Terrific piece of work, especially given the base material.

  2. That is very well done. Great detail.

  3. Beautifully done! Love the detail you put into this, and the finish is fantastic. Excellent model!

  4. Spectacular work on a not-so-easy kit, my friend. And those figures are really well done also (something I never could do to my satisfaction).

    • Painting figures a not my favourite hobby 😉
      it was the firts time i tried beautiful ones (from CMK). It helps to try with well detailled figures.
      Thank you Craig.

  5. A real winner, Christian. Applause to subtle weathering and great work on all those "strings"...something many of us are not willing to tackle...certainly I'm not.
    Your Walrus is a piece of artwork, IMHO.

  6. I think I also built this one a few years ago- it was a pig. Well done for perseverance.

    • Yes Rob, especially the engine with four struts looks like a pig 🙂
      This kit really needs perseverance, it's far from «easy» mount tips of recent models on the market. But i think it's the last time i try such a challenge...

  7. Christian, some strong work on a not so easy kit. Definitely a strong candidate for model of the month in my book. Everything is in place no runs, drips or errors and its a kit someone should be very proud to present and have. Looking forward to your next build.

    Two thumbs

  8. I echo Stephen's words: this is museum quality stuff. Just amazing work on a favorite of mine (for some reason I like "ugly ducklings," and the Walrus is that for sure). Fantastic and a true example of model building vs. mere kit assembly. Kudos all around.

    • An ugly duckings, yes, and when i see this it with his big belly on the ground, the wheels like two fins, it really looks like a heavy walrus on the shore ! Thank you David.

  9. Just amazing... Like Stephen I think your walrus is a strong candidate to model of the month or Year. Congratulations Christian, I take my hat for you sir

  10. Superb. Great crew figures.

  11. Wow, excellent rigging. That’s not an easy kit to get right. You did well.

    • It was the better kit to turn me gray... But after all, i'm now satisfied with my job. Thank you John.
      Rigging is not so difficult, it needs good preparation, care and time : i used fishing line (0.12mm) and Albion Alloyd turnbuckles.

  12. Profile Photo
    said on April 13, 2018

    Cracking job on that Christian.

  13. Fantastic build, especially with it being a SH version. Really nice!

  14. I guess a lot of old kits are going to be gone and probably forgotten given the previous comments and the new stylings from Airfix among others - you have given this a great send off! The interiors are especially beautiful, and the finish is lovely!

    • This SH Walrus made me realize that the kits were very different a few years ago. I've friends who knew old times and i must say they were brave !
      Thank you so much Paul.

      • "I've friends who knew old times" - oh, Christian, you have no idea how much that made me laugh.
        Well, you have a lot more friends who knew old times after this fantastic piece of work.

        • :-))
          I'm 66 old but i came back to modelling recently (+-5 years), so i'm not really considered as a "vieux briscard" (in french) like veterans modellers in my club in Belgium.
          Thanks again David.

  15. Christian,no matter whose kit, you made it into a showpiece. And we can appreciate it was no walk in the park. Nice to see a prewar scheme on the old Shagbat! I had the Merit one, years ago. The aircraft has a certain presence, like a lot of things British. You look at it, and you just know it came from the Misty Isles. I recently saw the 50s movie "The Sea Shall Not Have Them", about ASR in WW II. It's successor, the Sea Otter, has a star turn. It saves a Luftwaffe pilot, and then has to be towed(!) by motor launches when its engine fails. Gave me a new respect for the North Sea.

    • Many thanks for these interesting anecdotes and memories of a lover of the Misty Iles aviation... I'll try to get the movie you mention. The Sea Otter was better on aerodynamically, it was in wood i think, the Walrus 1 had metal fuselage.

  16. Beautiful work, a nice high-quality cloth purse from the sow's ear that is that kit. 🙂

    Having done this reeker, and in process on the Airfix, there is no comparison.

  17. Beautifully built, painted, and rigged, Christian. I like these old beasts and you've shown that even the old "bad ones" can be made to be show stoppers.

  18. Wow, nothing more needs to be said.

  19. Very well done Christian. Loved it!...

  20. Fantastic work Christian. I really love all the details inside and outside of your Walrus. Super!

  21. Amazing work Christian, I can only echo sentiments above. I am currently building the Airfix offering and yours is a real inspiration. I am terrified of the rigging so could you perhaps provide an insight on how you tackled yours please? I love the rope detail on the bow too!

    EDIT I just your earlier reply regarding Albion Alloy turnbuckles and fishing wire! 🙂

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