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David Polak
14 articles

1/35 M151A2 “jappas” in IDF service during operation “peace for Galilee”, Lebanon 1982-1985

July 24, 2018 · in Armor · · 13 · 5.6K

Finally finished, took almost a year with some pauses. It still needs bit of dust but I will add that once it is on base.

Basic kit is , wheels are from DEF models, some parts I used from Legends and CMKs sets, lights are from SKP models, FN mag is from LiveResin, rest of the stowage is home-made or from various leftovers. The decals were designed by me and printed on decal paper. Off course there was a lot of scratch-building as you can see, but was worth the time and effort. Painted with my own color mixed from AK interactive paints.

Big "toda" to Michael Mass who provided me with dozen of amazing photographs.

My model represents the vehicle from era of Lebanese war which is amplified by the "Times" magazine from June 1982 reporting about Israels enter to Beirut, on the drivers seat.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

28 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. One of the better builds I've seen. Attention to detail(s) : outstanding!

  2. I agree with Craig, this is ultra realistic! The seat cushions and the radio area brilliantly made. Outstanding model

  3. thank you guys, i am blushing 🙂

  4. A real beauty! Great detail work, and the painting and weathering is fantastic.

  5. Excellent work. Very well done.

  6. Lovely build! Some great detail and a realistic weathered finish to match. Thumbs up!

  7. U kicked butt on this build! I love all things IDF and this little vehicle fits the bill! What a remarkable outcome with lots of awesome details added by you. Would love to replicate this vehicle. I would love to see some hard-core IDF soldiers along side this great model. What a nice Dio that would make.

  8. If I ever get an old jeep (of the newer variety) I want it to look just like this! MAG-58 and all!

    Attention to detail is excellent, as has been mentioned. Having stretched a bunch of microphone cables waaaaay past their design limits, I love that your cable looks exactly like many I've had!

    Great job, David!

  9. thank you guys, thank you very much

  10. Hello David,
    Looking at your model, I get the impression you can "board"it and drive away into the Israeli Golan heights. Super model. Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

  11. 1st IDF military subjects are my favorite! This is a prize winner in every way. Your attention to details are extraordinary! The additions are awesome with your passion for this subject being obvious! Your overall finish is so so hot! I just love this little jeep. Looks like u could jump in it and drive it away.

  12. How can we buy it.

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