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John Healy
165 articles

1/48 F-16C Block 52

July 23, 2018 · in Aviation · · 24 · 4.8K

This is a Polish Pratt powered Block 52 kit finished as a South Carolina Air National Guard “Wild Weasel”. I built it pretty much from the box with the exception of the following items added:

1.) Quickboost Aces II ejection seat.

2.) Steel Beach FOD plugs.

3.) AIM-120 x 2, AIM-9 x 2, GBU-12 x 4 from Hasegawa weapons sets.

4.) Sniper pod from a kit.

5.) Caracal decals.

I painted the interior with Humbrol enamels and acrylics. The exterior was painted with the newish Hataka lacquers. I tried this paint primarily to get the metallic gray “Have Glass V” shade that the US F-16 fleet is being refinished with. I think it replicates a worn “Have Glass V” finish pretty well. The normal lo-vis grays on the nose cone, pylons, tanks, weapons, etc...performed perfectly like a regular lacquer paint. They don't budge with masking or handling. The “Have Glass V” shade was fragile and performed more like a weak acrylic, and pulled up with masking.

Overall this was an enjoyable project and after 6 weeks work, I now have a 21st Century for the shelf.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

24 responses

  1. Excellent work, John. These modern jets often have a monotonous look, but you’ve managed to give the greys a somewhat sinister vibe.

    Very nice, indeed.

  2. Nice work on the still very good Hase F-16, updated with the latest scheme and weapons. It has been a while since having an F-16 grace the pages of Imodeler. Well done..thanks for sharing.

  3. Beautiful and deadly, like it a lot. Looks like a solid build to me, congrats!

  4. Yep...what they said!

  5. Looks great! I think the Have Glass scheme came out very convincing.

  6. Very nice indeed John !

  7. Very nicely done, John! I agree with the "sinister" look statement by Rob. The F-16 is certainly NOT as pretty or graceful looking as a P-51 or a Spitfire or an F7F Tigercat or any of the cool REAL aircraft (LoL - just kidding!) that we usually see here on iModeler, but the "Fighting Falcon" is certainly an icon of modern aircraft.


  8. Your build looks very realistic... and I like it a lot. And yes it does look sinister !

    Well done my friend...

  9. Nice! Great looking Viper!

  10. Don't feel even slightly qualified to comment on a modern jet - but it is a beautiful model John - the various finishes you have used make it look just about ready to fly off the page!

  11. I'll be a bit controversial here... I much prefer the modern jets 🙂
    Very nice build!

  12. What an awesome little jet model! Great job. That finish is so so cool! I am a bit rusty with my modern jet updates so u just blew me away with the knowledge that all these F-16s are now finished with this paint. Very star-wars looking IMHO...high tech cool! Don't know what the Polish Pratt version is? I know maybe Pratt & Whitney engine? But Polish? If u get a chance can u educate me on this?

    • Thanks, Paul. Polish F-16s are Block 52 models. 52s are powered by Pratt&Whitney engines. Block 50s are essentially the same planes but have General Electric power plants. Block 30/32, 40/42, and 50/52 are all indicative of which engine is installed (GE/PW). Poland purchased approx 50 Block 52s which are are currently the newest and most advanced F-16s in NATO. They also use conformal fuel tanks , which the US does not. I used a Hasegawa Polish special edition kit since it is still a nice model and I was able to purchase it at a substantial discount. Other ways to get to a current SC ANG bird include the more expensive Tamiya kit and the much rougher Kinetic kit.

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