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Charles King
130 articles

Trailer with loaded steel coil

July 31, 2018 · in Automotive · · 30 · 1.9K

For this build, I used a from Italeri. Using the chassis from the Italeri kit, I scratchbuilt the flatbed and the coil rigid supports. The air couplings were also scratch built using pieces of styrene. I intend to replace the wheels using proper trailer dual wheels. I did not have any, so I just used what I had until I could get my hands on them.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

30 responses

  1. Great job as always, Charles. I can hear the back up signal of the tractor getting ready to hitch up.

  2. Simple awesome Charles. I've actually witnessed one of those coils expand while being loaded. Scary stuff!

  3. Charles @tiking

    When I saw the 1st pic on the Home page of the Forum, I thought it was a real trailer, not a kit!

    What scale is it btw?

    From the other pics you show here (and the photos are indeed excellent too!), the realism is absolutely amazing! Everything looks real, and of a real size! The painting is simply a piece of art, the details outstanding! Congratulations!



  4. The title sounds like a work of art's title, hey but it is! nice job!

  5. Another one I mistook for real.

  6. I agree, as this one looks as if you took pictures of a real trailer and are trying to pass it off as a model.

    You aren't are you ? 🙂

    Well done Charles.

  7. Charles, you are the master of reality! I love the way you build your models.

  8. Thank you Milan. I personally think, natural lighting makes a model look the part. So I have natural lighting to thank. 🙂

  9. You have a real talent with these type builds, Charles.

    • Thank you Craig. I tend to get as realistic as possible with the weathering. If it looks good in natural lighting, then it will look good in bad lighting. A motto if you will.

  10. Simply brilliant! I love the awkward lean from that back angle, and the mis-matched color of the wheel hubs - everything about it is just so realistic.

  11. Awesome work Charles, and yes it looks very real in your pics. Keep up the good work.

  12. Hello Charles,
    You do not need any imagination, the trailer is just there in (looks like) the real dimensions.
    My highest compliments. Dirk / The Netherlands.

  13. Wonderful Job Charles!

  14. Profile Photo
    said on March 30, 2021

    wow wish i had half your talent and skills, my hats off to you

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