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Paul van Acker
119 articles

1/48 CAC Ca-9 Wirraway

August 26, 2018 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2.5K

Hello all. Been a long time away from the production line, but I'm back at last.

Just completed. My Ca-9 from No.7 flight training school 1943. My pitop tube broke off and was never seen again... I will make a new one. I used Montex masks and painted the markings. Nice to try that instead of decals. Incidentally, Wirraway is Aboriginal for Challenge/Challenger.

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Turned out pretty well...other than the wingtips and cowling, it sorta puts me in mind of a T-6. I like it.

  2. Nice Wirraway! Basic design is of a BC-1,early version of the T-6.

  3. Nice - I like these unusual subjects! Looks good.

  4. Good to have you back at it Paul. You don't see many of these built !

    Yours look good...

  5. A home boy. Good on ya mate.
    It's been a while since I've seen one of these.
    It looks great, with the clean colour scheme.

  6. Nicely done Paul.

  7. Looks outstanding, Paul! Definitely one from the "Less Common" group.


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