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Rob Anderson
204 articles

Pits, seats and Fall brews

August 24, 2018 · in Aviation · · 12 · 1.7K

Started plugging away at the . I am using the self adhesive PE interior set, and a combination of Brassin and Wolfpack seats. The Eduard set is very nice, and speeds up the process of correcting some of the areas Academy did not quite get right. The instrument panels are amazing! As for the seats, I wanted to use Eduard's Brassin Martin Baker seats, but as I am planning a 1966 - 1968 bird I needed Mk5 seats Eduard's are Mk7s. The solution? Wolkpack makes a set of nice resin Mk5s, but the molded on detail is not as nice as Eduard's separate pieces. So I cut the Mk5 headrests off of the Wolfpack sanded off the unwanted details and spliced them onto the Eduard seats. Researching showed there are many, many variations of the Mk5 seat, but I found pictures that show the configuration I have made. As for brews it is starting to be Fall, and with that comes all manner of Oktoberfest beers. I think Sam Adams makes one of the best, so that is the brew for this week!

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4  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Looks really good so far, Rob...(including the beverages) - 🙂
    I used the same kit & PE set when I did mine...didn't turn out too bad.

  2. Great start Rob, cockpits, no matter how big or how small, are always the center of attentions right? No doubt that cockpit will be fantastic

  3. Hello Rob,
    I think we all agree, that by these kind of models (Fighters), the cockpit is the eye catcher of the public. Well, this is a fabulous start of this model. All your work looks very convincing. Looking forward to your next step of this F-4.
    Regards, Dirk

  4. Rob, your making me thirsty again! Your Beers look so so good! BTW nice progress and work with the F-4.

  5. Great looking pit Rob! Can't wait to see more...

  6. Thanks everyone!

  7. I'll drink to this, Rob!

  8. That's the best model of a pint I've evr seen!

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