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Rob Anderson
204 articles

Intake and exhaust

September 22, 2018 · in Aviation · · 15 · 1.5K

It's FALL! Ok, pumpkin ales are not everyones cup of tea, but this is a good one from a local brewery here in Seattle. Moving along with the kit. The kit has intake trunks that use a "forced perspective" to get their depth. Some dislike this and replace them with full intakes available from aftermarket companies. Me I filled the seams and poured white acrylic in them, then rolled them around to coat the inside to give a smooth surface. Remember intake interiors are glossy, and after a while the white paint get stained, especially on carrier aircraft where every bit of water, oil fuel etc. on the deck goes down the intake. One really poor area of this kit is the exhausts, I replaced them with Wolfpack Resin ones. Remember, the inside of the exhausts for jets are not just black and sooty, but show whites, browns, and black as the different elements are burned up in the afterburners. I replicated this with pastels.

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5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. "Intake & Exhaust"...sorta like breathin', right? 🙂

  2. Looking good! So does the brew.

  3. Great hints for those of us not lucky enough to know specifics of ship-board aircraft. Thanks, Rob!

  4. i think they look great...the ale label too

  5. Another note on the cans, I had friend when I was in that had been a Plane Captain at the tail end of the Phantoms service, he said one of the first things he did was wipe corrosion preventative on the tail feathers. Lots of guys paint them flat black, when semi gloss with some highlighting with pencil lead would probably be better, and that's what I did. Still a bit too shiny, but I will work on that more later.

  6. Rob, with all due respect, pumpkin belongs in a pie, not beer or ale. In my humble opinion. However, the cans look great.

  7. Tom you just have to pick wisely. A good pumpkin ale doesn't taste too much of pumpkin,but has an earthy taste with spicy notes much like an Oktoberfest. Others are, feh...and taste like pie...

  8. Always make me thirsty for a quality cold ale! Anyhow look forward to seeing this completed! Glad you mentioned the color of the exhaust section. I always try to incorporate some white in there as observed in good close-up photos of exhaust. I 1st tried this look on the last F-4S I built. Also purchased after-market nozzles for Hasegawa kit. Here is my interpretation of this look. I dont see many modelers use this color in their exhausts nor is it ever mentioned.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  9. I'll drink to this!

    The color suggestions are really great, as I said. Rob (@robertandy), yours look great and so do yours, Paul (@jjetmec). I have zero experience with jet exhaust, so I assume both types look "right." I would suppose they don't all look the same, right?

    • I think there are different materials used on various jet engine nozzles and they all react differently to the heat. I would not make a real old jet exhaust such as that found on a A-4, F-8, F-86, etc. white, or whiteish. I actually think there is a coating or a ceramic type material on more modern after-burning jet engines which becomes a more white/grey color after exposure to least that what the effect reminds me of...a heat resistant ceramic material. But now I am just guessing...basically for me its just an observation in an attempt to mimic real life in my models. Maybe Rob has more experience with this subject.

  10. Looks great Rob - love what you did to the cans!

  11. Looks great so far. Filling seams on intakes are always such a pain.
    On a side note, someone should compile a pairing of beers/wives with models. you know to bring an "air" of sophistication.

  12. I used a water based filler by Vallejo for the first go, sanded a bit then as I say, "poured and rolled" white acrylic paint in the intake, letting it drain out the rear. Took two turns at it, but I got a nice smooth glossy interior.

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