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(experimental) Cromwell

October 24, 2018 · in Armor · · 18 · 1.9K

Afternoon all from the land of the Long White Cloud. This started life about a month ago as an experiment - First time using Ammo of Mig acrylics and first attempt at the 'modulation method'. So because I don't want to bore everybody here at iM with the intervening steps, here's what it looks like all finished-off, (apologies to folks with slow broadband as it's quite photo-heavy !).

Built straight from the box with no additions, I will be getting a set of the MiniArt British tank figures to group around and in the model in the near future. Weathering after the main paint modulation, filters & decals (in chronological order) - Dirty brown oil pin-wash, chipping and scratches, streaks & stains, heavily thinned dirty grey acrylic on the lower sections & wheels to simulate road dirt and finally pigments & mud splashes.

Please feel free to make any comment, ask any questions or suggest anything I can improve upon - seriously, I'll take all the help I can get. This'll be the last armour project for a while as I've got an F40 to finish and I'm also about 50% of the way through a 1:48 P-51 (both ).



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6  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Nice presentation - I like it.

  2. I quite like it, it’s a great Cromwell model. By the way Ian, what land is that, the one from the long white cloud? NZ?

  3. Very nice, indeed!
    Nice weathering and chipping. Looks like it went through all the war.

  4. You wait decades to complete an armour build and then before you know it you've got a production line going on !

    Lovely work Ian, looks like a highly successful experiment.

    In terms of comments ( since you asked). Could the road wheels be a little dustier? the 'tyres' look a bit new given the state of the rest of the tank.

    A bit of exhaust staining at the rear perhaps?

    Could the rear deck above the engine compartment be a little oilier or greasier, maybe around the inspection covers?

    Just the impressions of a non expert.The build and weathering is otherwise as good as I have seen, and what we are talking about is maybe some tiny finishing touches.

    Having said all that I would certainly be delighted if I had produced it!

    I am not an expert and you will have a look in mind that you are aiming for, so feel free to ignore me completely if you wish. Keep building armour!

    Congratulations on a super build

    • No not quite, David... decades to complete my first German WWII build, I do finish lot's of 'green' AFV's - Russian / Soviet, British & American. Even won a couple of classes back in the UK and here in NZ:

      6 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  5. Ian what a nice Armor build. Great weathering and finish.

  6. Excellent work, Ian! It looks well used but cared for. Your tank crew will be happy to receive a well-maintained vehicle.

  7. Very nice. A "successful experiment." I like the weathering.

  8. Ian, I tried the ’modulation method’ some years ago. Still ended up with four kids.

    This is a superb ‘experiment’ - great interest in tones and a sense of depth. I think this is great.


  9. You’re welcome. Almost bedtime yesterday here in London. Enjoy your day, Ian!

  10. Ian,
    I think you nailed it. She looks like the real thing.

  11. Very realistic build!

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