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John Richards
17 articles

Riders on a Panzer IV Battle of Ardennes

October 3, 2018 · in Armor · · 24 · 2.8K

Tamiya Panzer 4 with Riders and Tank commander. This is one of my favorite models that I have done of WWII Armor. The figures came out beautifully.

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4  Awesome

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24 responses

  1. Fantastic figures as you say. This panzer is screaming out for a few trees and a little scenery...

    It’s a great build, John. Well done.

  2. A Belgian myself I very much appreciate this Ardennes setting, well done!

  3. Ardennes was just brutal, dark, cold, and terrible - a metaphor for the whole war.

  4. GREAT work on the figures - love them. The wear on the helmets and the camo on the clothing is superbly done. Happy to hear any tips you have ! agree this would look fantastic on a little vignette with snow and pine trees.

    • For that realistic look on the clothes. I paint the camo or the uniform color all over as is, then go back and use washes to get the darks and shadows, then dry brush to get the lights. It took a bit of practice, but I think anyone can do it.

  5. Fantastic build!

  6. John, Nice work, a very nice bit of wear and weathering. Well done !

  7. VERY nice, John. The camo uniforms are outstanding as is all of the rest, especially ithe TC's camo. (TC = Tank Commander if you didn't know already)


  8. Yeah...what they said ! Stellar work indeed.

  9. Exceptional figurines

  10. i was just reading about Bastogne...this is so nice

  11. So very nice on many levels. The kit is well done. The figures are excellent. It all goes together so well. You should be proud of that build John!

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