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Kelly Cottle
8 articles

1/48 P-47D “Tony” 5th Emergency Rescue Service ( ERS)

November 19, 2018 · in Aviation · · 18 · 2.8K

This Aircraft was the P-47D -2-re 42-75855 code 5F-A This aircraft was based at RAF Boxted Essex 1944
The physical rating was 4-F or 5-F, Any aircraft holding this rating was unfit for service . The letters WW
(War Weary).aircraft sat on the end of the runway at Boxted. After trails with dinghy packs and smoke
markers , The aircrafts was used for rescue of downed pilots patrolling the English Channel in 1944.
Thanks Kelly

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5  Awesome

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18 responses

  1. Kelly, A very nice looking WW P-47. For some reason the actual aircraft shows up a lot in my reference books. I'm guessing the Tamiya Kit ?.
    Your overall build looks really nice with a good amount of weathering without going overboard, giving it that well worked but still flyable look. Well done !

  2. Great subject and fantastic representation. Only thing missing are a couple of mechanics as tired looking as the aircraft. Hope the panels are being secured before trying to lift off...

    Reminds me of my own project

  3. Nice build and a great piece of trivia.

  4. Excellent job Kelly, what paint and varnish did you use ?

  5. magnifique sir

  6. Hello Kelly...outstanding build Sir...nice choice of subject and markings...another beauty to add to your fine collection.

  7. Very nice war weary Jug!

  8. Great looking scheme

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