Academy P-51B 1/72 (modified)
What a classic! One of my all time favorite airframes built during WWII. This model was so much fun I lost track of time. I even added some photoetching to the flight deck. I have the history on this plane but I’m not one two write a lot. I just enjoy building these fine models and also buying them to. Enjoy everyone. I don’t mind criticism, it helps me improve. Thanks guys.
Nicely done Kenneth, would not have guess it was 1/72. Really like the way she looks.
Thank you. The camera I use and the photo box really help with details. I love working 1/72 scale
I think it looks great, Kenneth! This B model will go together nicely with your D model.
I should put them together in a photo. Thanks for the tip.
Great looking Mustang. I think the B is my favorite version.
Thank you Greg. I love the p-47 Razorback also.
Nice touch with this one Kenneth, I am going to build a couple of allison engined Mustangs in 19, I think the B has a classic look.
Yes I agree it is a tough and classy bird
Excellent model. I really liked your natural metal representation and weathering.
Very well done Sir
Thank you very much Paulo.
Great Mustang! Cockpit detail is awesome.
Thank you Robert. I’m getting better at photo etching.
Really nice level of details for this scale. The use of photo etching was a good idea for the cockpit even though the effect is a bit too "flat". But at this scale it just perfect. Like also the wooden floor and the tiny details on the belts.
If I may; what has happened to the olive drab coat, looks like a bit rough!? Wanted?
I know the down side to 1:72 scale is the small scale it self. The nose was touch by my gritty hands and I tried to fix it. Eventually I’ll resand and smooth it out. Thanks for noticing it though. That was the only thing I was disappointed about.
Paint, glue and fingers; the perpetual challenge for all modelers

Do not change anything; it will be then the "signature" of this model
Kenneth, This is a fine looking P-51B, I really like the cockpit detail., and your metal finish looks great. I love hearing how much fun you had with it, as all models should be fun !
I agree with all the guys. The cockpit detail is really something. I had to go back and see what scale it was, because its so nice. The NMF works well also.
Very nice techniques, kid! You've really progressed with your airbrushing capabilities. Nice models! Good shading and natural "wear and tear"'ve gotten darn good!
Well done. The 1:72 Academy P-51 B and C are also one of my favorite kits. Can't go wrong with these.
If you want to add some extra realism next time, try to cut out and drop the flaps.