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gary sausmikat
81 articles


December 29, 2018 · in Diorama · · 14 · 3.5K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Wingnut Wings Albatros D.V
  2. Hiding From the Jabos!
  3. 1/35, AFV Club, Stuart M5A1 (early), USMC.
  4. Pzkfw IV Ausf D, 1/35, Tamiya
  5. Saturday, Dec 6th, 1941…
  6. A Day at the Museum…
  7. 10th Mountain, M-29 Weasel
  8. Comrades!
  9. “Let me at ’em”
  10. P-40E Diorama
  11. "Forward To Destiny"
  12. “PATROL”…Empire of Japan Group Build, Type 97 Chi-Ha.
  13. "Luftwaffe Group Build Vignette"
  14. HETZER: Tamiya 1/48
  15. U.S. M20 Vignette
  16. "Down but Not Out", USMC Piper NE-1
  17. WC-54 Ambulance Vignette: “War and a Piece”
  18. LVT-4, RCAMC
  19. LVT-2, Tarawa

Hi All and an early Happy New Year.

My last post for 2018, ending a very productive modeling year, highlighted by becoming an iModeler, being honored with iModeler June Model of the Month and meeting up with fellow member Tom Bebout at the USAF museum.

This /diorama depicts a Soviet sniper and his comrade set up on a cold, wind swept, mountain top.

Kits Used (See pics):
The RF-8, an unusual subject, was a nice kit to build. No troubles in the build were encountered.
Skis and poles, rucksac and map case were scratch built.
The sniper was created using different parts from the kit and modified by adding the “scratch built” snow suit. Painted with Vallejo acrylics and various oils. (The white suit was a challenge to paint… practice, practice, practice still needed)
The Eastern European Shepard was painted with Vallejo acrylics.
The scene was created with Celluclay, real rocks, various real tree branches and Woodland Scenics snow.

I hope you enjoy this dio.

To all my fellow iModeler's, I hope you have a Peaceful and Fun filled 2019!

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. A nice vignette - tells its story simply and clearly. Great work!

    You have a good 2019 too.

  2. Gary you are the diorama master in my book. Always able to tell a great story along with some excellent modeling detail. Well done buddy as I got shivers paging thru the pics. Have a Happy New Year.

  3. Great diorama, Gary! Your work is always superb.
    I've thought this was an interesting vehicle and one I'd SERIOUSLY love to drive somewhere with lots of space to "play" in. I've never seen the kit built. I LOVE the dog figure. Your scratched snow camo suit is excellent, Sir!

    In the VERY wise words of the late, great, Frank Zappa. "Watch out where your huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow!" (With apologies - yours is a Shepherd, not a Husky, but the advice is sound!


    • Hey Jeff. thanks for the comments. The RF-8 kit was a fun, quick build kit. And taking a real one out for a run would be a blast...especially on a big frozen lake. But that big prob looks a bit intimidating swinging out there!

      Love the Zappa comment!

  4. Looks cold! Nice diorama.

  5. Great Dio! It's hard to believe a sniper could ever "sneak" into position with a contraption as noisy as that had to have been...!

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