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gary sausmikat
82 articles

Wingnut Wings Albatros D.V

April 10, 2018 · in Diorama · · 23 · 3.3K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Wingnut Wings Albatros D.V
  2. Hiding From the Jabos!
  3. 1/35, AFV Club, Stuart M5A1 (early), USMC.
  4. Pzkfw IV Ausf D, 1/35, Tamiya
  5. Saturday, Dec 6th, 1941…
  6. A Day at the Museum…
  7. 10th Mountain, M-29 Weasel
  8. Comrades!
  9. “Let me at ’em”
  10. P-40E Diorama
  11. "Forward To Destiny"
  12. “PATROL”…Empire of Japan Group Build, Type 97 Chi-Ha.
  13. "Luftwaffe Group Build Vignette"
  14. HETZER: Tamiya 1/48
  15. U.S. M20 Vignette
  16. "Down but Not Out", USMC Piper NE-1
  17. WC-54 Ambulance Vignette: “War and a Piece”
  18. LVT-4, RCAMC
  19. LVT-2, Tarawa
  20. “Silent Sentinel”: M10 Tank Destroyer

My first post, I hope you like my work:

The , my first kit, was built straight from the box but includes some additional cockpit wiring, fish line wing rigging with scratch-built turnbuckles and two laminated wood propellers. , Gunze and Vallejo paints were used for interior and exterior painting. Weathering was accomplished using acrylic wash, colored pencils, pastels and dry brushing. The figures were painted with Vallejo Model Color.

Wingnut Wings, kit #32009, Albatros D.V
Pilot: Productions
Mechanic: Kellerkind Miniaturen
Ground Crew: Wings Cockpit

Thanks for looking, KEEP IT FUN!

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome 1  2 

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. You have done a terrific job on the aeroplane as well as the figures. Real pleasure to see. Welcome to iModeler!

  2. That's a beauty Gary! Incredible detail and highlights on the figures - everything looks nicely detailed and finished. Welcome to iModeler!

  3. I agree wholeheartedly with the above comments.
    Nice idea for a diorama too.

  4. What's not to like? A great looking diorama AND another new member - welcome!

  5. Don’t know what I like most, the DV, the torn propeller or the figures...just superb quality overall. Glad you decided to post it here Gary, because I feel we need more WW1 planes on the highlights...and welcome aboard

  6. Welcome to Imodeler !

    Your first post is a good one ! The Albatros is one of my favorite WW1 planes. The propellers really steal the show ...

    Well done.

  7. Welcome to an awesome site. Your work is MASTERCLASS and even that is an understatement. Well done!

  8. Great work, Gary! This is quite a special 'First Effort.' I especially like the 2 props. The broken one looks quite convincing in scale.


  9. Dont u just love WNW models! You did this one justice. Top Notch Build. Excellent figure painting also. Love the setting.

  10. The Albatros is without doubt my favourite Biplane and she is even prettier with the edelweiss. I have the Eduard 1/32 version and just CANNOT settle on a colour scheme. Really, it drives me (wing) nuts.
    This is a great build, Gary, and I'm very pleased you posted it. I'll certainly be keeping an eye open for more of your work!

  11. An awesome build and diorama! It looks like the mechanic is eyeing the guy with the prop with some concern.

  12. Thanks All ! especially for the warm welcome and comments in regards to my model/diorama. Glad to see my modeling peers like my work. More posts in the near future. Until then I will continue to enjoy all the projects I see posted.

  13. Gary, she's a beauty! Nice figures, too.

  14. Very nice plane also great figure painting. The faces are very expressive! Kudos!

  15. Beautiful model! Very nicely done!


  16. Beautiful job, and great diorama idea!

  17. All elements of a diorama have to be equally good: the airplane, the crew, any technical detail, the base. You have achieved all. A beaituful result and it Tells A Story, which is crucial for any diorama. EXCELLENT.

  18. Again, thanks for all the comments. Tom Cleaver, Shep Paine's how-to book is never far from my reach. "he taught/teaches" me well...LOL

  19. Awesome work Gary, especially like the figures and how they tell a story. And welcome to iModeler.

  20. Very nice presentation, Gary.

  21. Very impressive work, Gary!
    I wonder how did you made damaged propeller!? Looks as real!

    • Thanks Nikolajs. Both props are made by laminating thin sheets of wood, carved to shape, using the kits prop as a guide, and then finished with a clear coating. I then broke off the tips to simulate a prop strike. I was pleased with the results off both props.

  22. Excellent work! Really love the dynamic scene of the diorama!

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