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Nguyen Huy Hoang
17 articles

Academy MH-60S 1/35

February 16, 2019 · in Aviation · · 19 · 9.4K

Hello from Viet Nam !

Finally... after 2 years on and off I've managed to finish this. The kit is MH-60S, this is a rebox of by Academy hreleased years ago. There are new sprues and decal for the MH-60s. The new sprure carry nice details but the old sprures suffered from old mold. Due to the large dimension of the rotor, I decided to fold the blade and the tails ( I always have a thing for fold wings anyway).

All folding details are scratchbuild from plastic and styren rod with many good preferences found on the internet. The most challenge is the 2 brace hold 4 rotor blades. Styrene rod aren't strong enough to hold the weight of the blades. I ended up soldering paper clips to create the braces.

I enhanced the model with Big Ed set from and Live resin mini gun. Both set are highly recommended for this model. On a separate note, the fit of the kit is not Tamiya or Hasegawa quality, hence lots of sanding, re-scribing lost details, riveting...

Mr. Hobby paint was used, all photo taken under sunlight with black and white background.

Hope you enjoy my article .

Reader reactions:
34  Awesome

28 additional images. Click to enlarge.

19 responses

  1. Master piece! Just love the final result on the Seahawk. Could almost unbutton everything and prepare for pre-flight. I flew in the HH-60H variant while serving in the US Navy. Which differs in being that the tail wheel is forward towards the cabin among the most obvious changes. The MH-60S with many upgrades which were incorporated for US Navy specific type mission requirements. Also longer legs. The weathering is subtle, as these can get rather grimy in a hurry with the exhaust downdrafts over the tail boom. Really nicely done model on a subject we don't see much. As I prepare my long term project on a 48th HH-60H, just rounding up all the materials for it. Well done and thanks for sharing, this may just motivate me to at least start some work on it.


    Fly Navy

  2. Nguyen, the heli you present here is just a masterpiece of details and realistic paint/weathering. It just has to be a serious contender for the model of the month. Congratulations for a superb work

  3. Amazing work Nguyen, a piece to be real proud about!

  4. Exquisite workmanship, craftsmanship for sure.

  5. MASTERCLASS model building at its best!

  6. My money’s on seeing this in the headlines again, in about four weeks...

    Superb. In every way.

    “Liked” - loved, and lusted after.

  7. Fantastic in every respect!

    Bravo !

  8. Nailed it. My last command in the Navy was in HSC 21 where I was the Quality Assurance Supervisor so I spent a good deal of time with this type of Helo. You did a great job with this, captured the look, not over weathered just great!

  9. This is just stunning. The realism of the result is incredible.

    And I won't bet against this being in the headlines again early next month.

  10. I would also add you flight deck looks great also. I spent many years on Carriers and you did very well capturing it!

  11. Hi all,

    Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. This means alot to me. I’m really glad that you guys enjoyed this article as much as I enjoying reading all my of your comments.

    I would like to add that the base was made by 2 pcs of sandpaper (600) being sandpaper they have the color identical to carrier deck then I don’t have to paint it again.
    I used color pencils from Castell Faber (can use different brand as well) to draw all the markings in white, yellow and red. This follow by several gloss coat in order to prepare for next step. Washing and streaking techniques with Mig products finishing of the base. This took me only 1 hours to completed.

    I found this technique is super easy to do and inexpensive as well compare to all the premade base found on the market.

    Thanks all !

  12. Nguyen, You really did some excellent work on this, I also enjoyed reading how you put the base together, some very good tips there that I may employ myself. Thanks for sharing this beauty with us !

  13. Amazing work mate! I think the above comments say it all! We’ll be seeing this one again.

  14. Very nice. And like the folded blades and tail configuration. Nice one. ?

  15. Wow - love the realism here. Your detail, finish and weathering work is wonderful.

  16. A big wow and many likes! Excellent build, paint and weathering work.
    I love also all details on the tarmac; gooooood 🙂

  17. Stunning !
    did you use an extra kit for the pale responses? thank you and congratulations again

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