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Five Years and nothing Finished!!

August 7, 2019 · in Aviation · · 13 · 2.7K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Five Years and nothing Finished!!
  2. Almost Done!

I was just looking and realized that it has been more than 5 years since I have finished a model. It seems after I finished the last one, life took my family and I down a path that has been challenging and kept me away from the hobby. I have had time to check the sites from time to time and even start a few kits. Things are finally, kind of sort of, settling down and I am getting back to my work bench with a bit more regularity. I started the 's 1/48th Fw-189 () a while back. This is in general a very nice kit, the directions pretty much suck, but the kit is good, with good to excellent fit. The kit comes with masks, which work well on the flat panels, but not the curved, and photo etch which is pretty nice. I actually have made some decent progress and thought I would share where I am at with it. I just need to get to the finish line.

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13 responses

  1. What you have looks great, Walt. 5 years for you, over 45 for me! LoL! But that will change for BOTH of us.

    Great choice of planes, by the way ... the Uhu (reminds me of glue) is an interesting aircraft that we don't see often.

  2. great to see you back are a fine builder

  3. Kit looks like a great start. I understand how life can intrude on our hobbies. My model building dropped to near zero after I became a pilot in the Air Force and spent 20 days a month away from home. I became a high school & college instructor when I retired from the Air Force and thought I would have plenty of time to build. But not so much. I had even less free time as an instructor. So, after 40 years in the military and then teaching, I am now completely retired. I have built more models in the last two years than I did in the previous 40 years. I restarted modeling by going back and building some Monogram and Revell kits, which were very enjoyable. The biggest thing I had to overcome was the massive change in techniques, like weathering, painting using acrylics, photoetch, and so on. Glad to see you are getting back in the modeling habit!

  4. I have a 4 years old bismarck 1/350 still not done yet...lolz

  5. Walt, some progress is better than no progress at all. Welcome back.

  6. It's "only" been about 3 years or so since I've fondled any plastic, so I guess I'm still a 'rookie' in that department. You, however, are still in business (so to speak) and what you've got there - so far - looks like a pretty good build goin' on. Go get 'em.

  7. Hi Walt.

    I think, everybody here has walked that path any time. Don't worry and you know have the entire iModeler users support.

    That cockpit looks great.

  8. Walt, any journey starts with taking that first step. I am facing a similar situation currently. However, family always comes first and the plastic will always wait for your return to the bench. Welcome back and hopefully we will see the Fw 189 Uhu completed. Congrats with your progress thus far!

  9. Roger that! After retiring, I thought I'd finally have "The time". Nope! I have around a dozen started, and have been re-doing some MonoVellEcsi kits I had been lugging around since the mid-80's... And you are correct, the hobby has changed! Wow! My biggest hurdle is accepting that I'm not going to do Master level work, and not get too caught up in the weeds over it. Push through new stuff, and remind myself that this is about having Fun(Aggghhh!).

  10. well - anyway - welcome back! A good styrene ruckus does much for one's soul!

  11. Profile Photo
    said on August 9, 2019

    My last post on here was in regards to my inability to finish a model. The more I read similar posts on this site the more I feel a "bit better" about my "problem" as it seems to be more common than I thought. :-). Regards to all the fellow modellers out there of all abilities.

  12. Thanks guys for the encouragement and kind words. I know we all go through dry spells and such. I was just shocked to see how long since it only SEEMED to be only a year or two. That said I am glad to finally get some time and as you all know a little modeling time is better than none at all. I have started putting the cockpit glass on and hope to get to paint this weekend or next week. Just finding out that my Enamels are getting hard to find and I just hope mine haven't all dried up!

    Thanks again guys, hope to have something more to show soon!

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