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Matija Skobe
34 articles

I-116 racer

August 24, 2019 · in Sci-fi · · 10 · 1.7K

hi, i wish to present to you my old version of "aerial F1"
Its made from Polikarpov plane in , and few bits from other kits.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

10 responses

  1. Awsome!

    You certainly got a winner there. Bright as a flash, doing Mach 2 while waiting for the green light and adorned with some classic power art. What brand is the orange paint, been looking for something like that.

    • yep, engines roaring, exhaust spewing blue jet, crowds cheering and waiting something to blow up.
      the orange color, hm, i would say revell enamel orange, this was done in 2013, way before i had access to vallejo, mig, ak interactive, and knowledge about primers and colors.
      So i believe i was spraying that model with orange paint over and over - as you can see, there is no details/panels on wings

  2. What were you smoking? Can I have some? 🙂

    A nice imagination on display here.

  3. Uniquely well done... 🙂

  4. Brilliant,
    Just how I imagine a late 21st century Gee Bee might look

  5. Yeah, there’s not much left of the I-16)))
    But it looks great!

  6. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 )
    Nice and splendid imagination Matija, one can almost hear the turbine … well done.

  7. Something like that HAD to be sponsored by Red Bull! Very nice.

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