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Scott Nelson
135 articles

Airfix 1/48 Hunter F. 6

October 31, 2019 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2.6K

The is one of, if not the, most graceful looking aircraft ever to fly so I was very excited when I first learned that was going to release one in scale. So excited, in fact, that I ended up ordering three: two F. 6's and a pre-order F. 4!

I've made a number of Hunter kits over the years and I'd say the 1/144, 1/72 and 1/32 Revell Hunters are the best. Until now. This new Airfix Hunter surpasses all previous Hunter kits.

The kit decals look good but I wanted to do something a little different so I searched for some after market markings and found an Xtradecal sheet with several choices liked. I chose the markings of the 92 Squadron Blue Diamonds, the official aerobatic team of the RAF for 1961-1962. I would suggest not using anything stronger than Microsol as Solvaset dissolved some of the surface ink on the decals.

I tried a slightly different pre-shading technique this time. Instead of a shaded panel line I used a mask along panel lines and feathered the paint onto the panel. I'm not sure you can see the final effect in the photos since it's very subtle but, it's visible in person.

Kit number 11 for the year complete.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

19 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Scot, that is a nice colour scheme that adds something unique to your Hunter. That said, I’m afraid I cannot see any of the pre-shade work under that beautiful blue.

  2. Well done, Scott! I agree ... the Hunter IS a beautiful aircraft. Your version does them proud. Like Pedro said, your blue is beautiful!

  3. Very nice Scott - great colour scheme!

  4. Great build of one of my favourite aircraft.

  5. Very nice - the elegance of the Hunter really stands out in that solid blue scheme. Well done.

  6. Love it! That's my favorite display team scheme. Super result.

  7. Very nice scheme. Years ago I saw a photo of an RAF F.8 that was "zapped" by the RCAF. If and when I find that photo again I will get the Airfix F.8

  8. Nice job Scott! I like the shading technique. Would be nice to try it on a lighter color scheme. The decals turned out great as well.

  9. that's simply gorgeous

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