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' Utility' Panther

September 12, 2016 · in Aviation · · 25 · 2.6K

Hey folks, as mentioned, my follow-up to the F-8 Crusader from a couple of weeks back is another USN subject.

One of the quickest (a month-and-a-day), easiest and most relaxing builds I've ever done. The old -2 updated in 2009 by RoG to an F9F-5P. Only addition to the build was a Pavla resin seat everything else including the 'stickers' are straight from the box.

Paint is mostly Tamiya acrylics with the exception of the fuselage which is Xtracolours' enamel 'Engine Grey'. Nothing else to add, another 'loved every minute' build. Please feel free to make any criticism, comments or ask any questions.



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6  Awesome

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25 responses

  1. Nicely done, Ian...really like that paint scheme - good work!

  2. Looks great Ian……nice photos as well.

  3. A good choice for the autumn darkness. I like yellow in planes - very easy to shoot down targets! Grey is very suitable partner for yellow. Assembly, painting and decals are really carefully done.
    I almost ordered the shark teeth version of Panther … Your model is so vivid.

  4. Ha !, ironic as we're in the first week of Spring here in NZ !


  5. Sorry SIr Ian - forgot that we're international here ... Due to massive time difference (You have summer we have winter), must be huge jet lag when traveling! NZ - it must be the most beautiful place on earth. 🙂

    • No need for sir... unless I'm in uniform ! - It's true our seasons are the exact opposite of you folks in the Northern hemisphere, 12hrs ahead of GMT really messes with my friends and family back in the UK aswell !

  6. Great looking finishes, Ian.

  7. That really looks nice Ian, that paint scheme works quite well on the Panther. Sounds like you had a lot of fun building her, but that's what this hobby is all about isn't it?

  8. I like the colour scheme very much, careful masking combined with good decal work. As for the time differences, here in China we are currently seven hours ahead of British summer time. China is a huge country but only has one time zone, it's simple, but here in east China it means the sun rises and sets early, so, the best for modelling in early in the morning.

  9. Sorry, I mean the best time for modelling is early in the morning. I try to teach my students that when writing an essay there are four steps, analysing, planning, writing and checking. A classic case of doing what I say, not what I do!

  10. Ian, thats a great looking model. What scale is it?

    just curious-

  11. Very nice - love the scheme as others have mentioned. I've got a 1/72 kit in the stash - Hasegawa I think - but have not been eager to build just because I'm not a huge fan of the dark blue schemes (typical of Panthers). Where did you find the resource photos for this one?

  12. Very nice result.

  13. Love this scheme, I've got the in action book, some Panther's were painted gull grey/white late in their life.

  14. Thanks everyone for the kind comments. As ever very much appreciated and never taken for granted.

    Already got the next two projects hovering around the bench. An Airfix kit with a propellor and a Hobbyboss kit that's a 'grey jet'. Stay tuned !


  15. Wow!, Great job and a great paint scheme!

  16. Excellent looking Panther! This is undoubtedly one of the most attractive schemes adopted by the US Navy for these old "utility types". Well done. Inspiration for me to get my old Panther out of the stash!

  17. Hello Ian...Very nicely done and quite colorful for sure. Monogram's old F9F-5 Panther kit is still quite good even by today's standards. I'm glad to hear that the 'old' Squadron F9F Panther In Action book was of help in selecting your model's markings.

  18. Ian,
    Might I just add that this is absolutely gorgeous. Your work is incredible.

  19. Nice build & paint

  20. Ian, somehow (vacation) I missed this! Whatta beauty! Utility aircraft sure are colorful, and I can understand why! You can't "miss" them, but they hope you do!

  21. Ian, Awesome! What a great job you did with such a cool paint job! Bravo!

  22. ...again, thank you all for the kind comments.


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