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Allon kira
70 articles

Tamiya, 1/35, IDF, M106, "Keshet"

October 18, 2019 · in Armor · · 21 · 5K

Hi everyone, here is my finished M -106 in which is basically an M-113 with a mortar. another version in the never-ending project I took on myself, to build all the M-113 versions of the πŸ™‚

Colors and effects, mainly by Ammo-Mig.

Happy day, guys!

Reader reactions:
24  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. Great work as always, Allon

  2. Incredible work. Amazing.

  3. Another superb AFV model Allon, you are a master when it comes to Israeli armour.
    Those anti slip areas, how did you made them? (Or is that texture already in the plastic?)

  4. Doesn't get much better than that. Well done.

  5. Can't add to what was already said...stunning work.

  6. Another great armour build ! Great work.

  7. Oh this one brings back memories ! I do see a few small differences between the IDF type and what we had in the US Army during the 1980's. Besides the add on external items, the main differences I see are the exhaust system, and the rear of the hull where the tail lights are. Ours were more flat in this location. Yours looks like this might be a storage area ?

    I have spent some time driving these. Ours would do 40 MPH easily and were very fast. They would also turn on a dime. We had these assigned to our mortar section when I was in the 3rd Armored Cav... Our Scouts had the M-113, and we "tankers" drove around in M-60A-1's.

    Later we replaced the M-60's with M-1A1's.

    You have really done some fantastic work here my friend.


    • Thank you so much, Louis! I hope this model brought you nice memories
      Anyway, as a former artillery man in the IDF, I also used to drive these machines- mine was the M-577. It’s a bit higher and less stable at turns. But still great fun to drive . what you see at the back of the vehicle, are external fuel tanks.
      Thanks again and happy day!

  8. I like it very much! Good painting, weathering and nice details!

  9. I love your weathering and detailing Allon - always inspiring! This is a real beauty - just looks fantastic.

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