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John Healy
165 articles

1/48 Thunderbolt Mk. II

March 31, 2020 · in Aviation · · 25 · 2K

This is the old kit. Originally released in 1967, I built this one from a 1993 reissue. I robbed the big Lockheed wing tanks from a kit, and relocated one bomb to the centerline station. The big fuel tanks are a common sight on photos of SEAC Thunderbolts. belts and PE foot pedals dressed up the cockpit. Camouflage paints are from Xtracolor, everything else is Humbrol enamels. I cobbled together the decals for a 258 Squadron machine from my decal dungeon. This is the second Monogram that I built this month. It's still a viable option in my opinion and plan to acquire a few more when I see them in the stacks at show swap meets. I included a photo of the Bolt with my Indian AF Spitfire to show just how big a is. Stay safe.

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10  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

25 responses

  1. Nice T-Bolt John! I always love he SEAC schemes.

  2. As a Thunderbolt lover it is always nice to see one, and I am especially fond of those old Monogram kits. So many pleasurable hours of modeling provided by them to me as a kid growing up. Nice work, and the last picture with the Spitfire does an excellent job of showing you what a massive plane it really was.

    • Thanks, Walt. I had a blast with these two P-47s. The last Thunderbolts that I built were a Monogram Bubbletop that I got for my birthday in January, 1973 and a Razorback in 1977.

  3. That's an impressively built Jug, John!
    All the best and stay safe my friend!

  4. Awesome build, you've done the kit justice.. I have an original boxing of this same plane, sitting and waiting at the back of my work bench. It's only stalled out for paint and decal selection, as a matter of fact... Fine selection you were able to cobble together!

  5. Nice SEAC Thunderbolt, John. This is one of the schemes I am considering for my next 32nd kit. I like the way you have done the slightly feathered camo and the sun-faded look appropriate to the theater. Nice, restrained chipping too.

    i enjoy seeing the older Monogram kits built up. Your P-47 still looks good compared with "Tamigawa" versions. I have several Revell Monogram multi-engine bombers in my stash which I am inspired to do now.

  6. Nice Jug John @j-healy, who doesn't like jugs. 😉

    Really like the finish on this. I also showed the size difference between a P-47 and a Spit. Big and beautiful!

    Well done!

  7. I like that scheme on the Jug! The Spit's cool as well. That is some size comparison.

  8. Thanks, Robert. SEAC , British Eastern Fleet, and BPF schemes are some of my favorites.

  9. Hello John, @j-healy

    What a marvelous P-47 ! These look fantastic painted in the SEAC colors. Plus it's the old Monogram kit to boot... so that's a win / win in my book. Well done buddy. I have a quick question for you if you don't mind.

    Did you carry the white stripes around to the underside of the wings and horizontal stabilizers ? Thanks.


    • Thanks, Louis. Carefully masked all around. BTW, when is the Japanese group build starting?

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

      • John, @j-healy
        It should be starting very soon...and thanks for posting the picture of the underside. You think that right now with the virus making it's rounds that I would have more time to devote to the hobby. But the misses and I have been rather busy getting caught up on things around the house. I might need help with managing it on occasions.

        Thanks for asking and I'll talk with you soon.

  10. That looks very good, John. Amazing how your work in that winky-dink cockpit (the only "failing" in the kit IMHO) made it actually look close enough to right as to not worry.

    • Thanks, Tom. That cockpit is something. Three parts total! The edges of the seat are actually molded pretty sharply and I think that helps it a lot.

  11. It must be Jug day here at iModeler, two Monogram P-47's and both in SEA camo. Well done John, she looks good IMHO, those razed panel lines seem to disappear in that camo scheme.

    • Thanks, Tom. Raised panel lines don’t bother me much as long as the kit fits decently and doesn’t require much sanding. The P-47 was one of Monogram’s better kits in my opinion.

  12. Amazing what a bit of modelling skill will do to the classic Monogram kits. I keep saying this but it is true. Well done

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