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Spiros Pendedekas
162 articles

Testors/Hawk 1/48 OV-10A ‘Bronco’

July 3, 2020 · in Aviation · · 35 · 3.2K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Testors 1/48 OV-10A Bronco Workbench update
  2. Testors/Hawk 1/48 OV-10A ‘Bronco’

Hi everyone!
This is my Testors 1/48 Bronco, finished as 27TASS C/Os plane.
Built OOB, with saratchbuilt details and improvements added at many places, as the kit is quite simplistic and toy-like.
If you so wish, you may read the full build review, together with some history on the type, at my beloved site Modelingmadness:
Hope you like it.
Happy modelling!

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

35 responses

  1. You have a great build here, Spiros. @fiveten
    Really do like the scheme on this Bronco.
    Nice article on modelingmadness as well.

  2. Spiros, I see what you mean - and the scratchbuilt details removes it from the toylike appearance. liked.

  3. Wow! , I read a write up on this kit that said it was dreadful especially the clear parts so either the other guy had a bad moulding or you did an even better than usual job Spiros , this is really good ,super clean . A kit with so much of the cockpit exposed like this would put me off ,it's almost like a helicopter in that respect so kudos to you !

    • Thanks Neil @neil-foster!
      The clear parts were warped and needed a lot of judgemental sanding at the edges to make all the four of them decently converge, but, I have to admit, were CRYSTAL clear and NOT BRITTLE at all.
      Seems Testors decided to offer the kit in very workable styrene, to help any ambitious modeler who decided to work the kit’s deficiencies.

  4. Nice job on a difficult kit. The paint scheme is striking.

  5. Really nice job, Spiro. The paint scheme and the clear parts are real eye catchers.

  6. That's an excellent job on a very basic kit Spiros. Checked out your MM build post, job well done buddy. I like it.

  7. All of the above my friend, you brought life to an ancient kit.

  8. Great job of reserrecting this kit. It's old bones are well hidden by all your work.

  9. Great job Spiros. The overall look is striking. I am also a fan of not relying on expensive resin detail sets. There is a great satisfaction on adding detail with basic supplies.

  10. Looks great Spiros! Your mods certainly go the extra step in making the model presentable. I agree with the others too that the paint scheme helps beautify the old plastic.

    I love it next to the OV-1! It'd also look good next to an A-37. 😉

    • Thanks Andrew @pb_legend!
      The lizzard scheme is really adding to the looks!

      ...A-37 message acknowledged - soon to be implemented!...

  11. Really nice job, I really like the paint scheme.

  12. Nice job on a real oldie kit Spiros. Definitely stepped up the details. Love the Mohawk parked next to it. @fiveten.

  13. Nice work, Spiros. That’s one of those old Hawk kits that still has the basic attributes of an accurate model. All it needs is a good modeler to get the most out of it. Your cockpit detailing is outstanding.

  14. Hello Spiros ! @fiveten
    This OV-10 you built looks fantastic ! I pressed the "liked" button too. I see the PSP QC team has been very busy as of late, and kept their standard of quality very high.

    Many years ago I had the opportunity to sit in an OV-1 Mohawk like the one you pictured 3rd from the last. It is amazing how high in the air you sit in that one when it is parked on the ground...
    What really impresses me with this Bronco model, is how nice the clear parts have turned out. The additional scratch built parts you added to the cockpit also added some realism to the build.

    Maybe I can take this kit and use it as an inspiration when it comes time to build up my ancient 1/48
    scale Hawk / Testors F2H Banshee kit for our Korean War GB. I saw your article was posted over at Modelling Madness and hoped that I would see it here too...

    Very well done my friend, and thank you for sharing this beauty with us.

  15. Thanks for liking, my friend @lgardner!
    ...Lucky you! You sat in a Mohawk! I hope I can do it sometime!
    I feel proud you will use my Bronco as your Banshee inspiration.
    Got the same kit too, planning to build it as part of this great KWGB! Maybe we can join forces?
    I can sense the detail will be nonexistent to spartan at best...
    All the best, my friend!

  16. Very nice! I also like the scheme. The OV-10 was one of the first two kits that started my "modeling career" back in the 3rd grade - may have been the same molds but I don't remember.

  17. Wow Spiros, awesome work, I've just started on my one, love this plane, wish I could find another one. The detail is a bit scarce on the kit, but you made it look awesome, I really like you colour scheme.

    Very inspiring.

    • Thanks my friend @anthonyricco!
      I was tempted to do the other kit offered scheme (the "experimental" one, which was not clear if it had been worn from this Bronco version), but, somehow, this more "standard" scheme, appealed to me a lot! I love wraparound schemes anyway!
      Yes, kit details are sparse at places, I had to scratch build some!
      I am so glad (and proud!) that my build was an inspiration.
      Looking forward to see yours!

  18. It really is inspiring - I decided to do the Air Force scheme on mine - still in progress like I mentioned, I haven't seen the experimental one.

    Ive attached a few pics of my WIP - like I said I'm still a beginner so any advice or tips would be awesome, I'm not one that takes criticism badly, I like to use it to learn and improve so please go ahead if you have any.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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