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Darren Dickerson
71 articles

1/48 Tamiya P-47D "Magic Carpet" 390th Fighter Squadron, 366th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force.

September 16, 2020 · in Aviation · · 12 · 3.4K

Zotz Decals
Ultracast Seat and Wheels
/Mr Hobby Paints, Tamiya AS12, Alclad, Future Gloss and Xtracrylix Flat.

Happy Modelling

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. This scheme is absolutely fantastic, Darren, as your build!
    Personally, I prefer the Razorback looks, making your model even more appealing to me.

  2. With Spiros, what a great looking scheme

  3. Another top job, Darren! Don´t you do anything else than churning out Thunderbolts all day long?

  4. I thought I'd just comment on all three of these posts at once - all beautiful builds. I especially like this OD bird with NMF wings - I hadn't seen that scheme before - really eye-catching! Well done on all three of these.

  5. You keep making these, practice will become perfect! 🙂

    Actually, it already has. Another P-47 masterpiece.

  6. Keep on saying this, your builds are great, Darren.
    And this one is no exception.

  7. Great job! With all these p-47's you've illustrated the wide variety of schemes carried by the T bolt.

  8. You have quite the stable of T-Bolts. All are great work.

  9. That is one good looking Jug! Or should I say another one.

  10. Another great build.
    Liked x ? (I'm losing count).

  11. Excellent work Darren. especially the fine finish. Tamiya certainly hit the jackpot with their Thunderbolts (both versions).

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