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John Healy
162 articles

1/48 Reggiane Re. 2001

February 1, 2021 · in Aviation · · 20 · 2.5K

This is the new Sword kit. It's a completely new mold and shares nothing with the old model of this plane. The plastic moldings on this kit are top notch, smooth surfaced, and fit well. The only things that indicate that it's a limited run kit are lack of locator pins, vague landing gear attachments, and butt joined stabilizers. I drilled the later out and strengthened them with brass pins. Everything fit together very nicely on this model, better then some mainstream kits that I've built. I drilled out the gun ports, added seat harnesses, and made the antenna wiring from EZ line. I used Humbrol enamels for everything except the topside green. That is Xtracolor RLM 70, which is a decent match for Italian Verde Olivia Scuro. I think it looks better then the Humbrol #91 that I used on my Re. 2005. The kit decals were excellent. I did learn that two of the three options offered have inaccurate codes done in gray. They should be blue. I chose the final option with correct codes in white. A light coat of Testors semi-gloss clear and some pastel exhaust stains finished it up. It represents a Reggiane based in Sicily that was involved in the Malta campaign. This was a very enjoyable project that built quickly. Highly recommended.

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11  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. This is a top job, John @j-healy!
    The Sword kit might have succeeded the CA one, but it still is a challengiing one to build. Kudos to your quick and efficient work!

  2. Very nice little quick build John @j-healy.

  3. Another great job John. Your production of Italian WW2 aircraft has piqued my interest in Regia Areonautica modeling subjects. I look forward to seeing the He-111 you are currently working on.

  4. Very nice build, John.
    Those Italian WWII birds are very attractive, and yours clearly shows that.
    Well done.

  5. Great job, John, on a very cool looking fighter. The WW2 Italian a/c...great looking fighters, the bombers not so much, but interesting/challenging to build in plastic.

  6. Looks great, I agree the Italian fighters were some thing to look at.

  7. Very nice work John. Thanks for the inspiration. I have been considering this.

  8. Looking good John!

  9. John, @j-healy
    I picked this same kit up when Sprue Brothers had their sale a little while ago. It looks very nice when it's built up. You did a magnificent job with it.

  10. I always like Italian models, they have a certain something, and you've done a neat job with this new offering, definitely liked.

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